Message from @Cabinet
Discord ID: 540801720570216451
We wuz crackhedz n shit
👶🏿 🔫 🚔
GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 3!
>post nsfw in meme channel
This is why we can’t have nice things
Shit you right
You sent that before and I still don’t understand what I’m looking at
There counting to a thousand and it’s funny cuz that guys making go back awhile and calling them illiterate niggers in the proscess
He says it’s all fucked up, what’s fucked up
Someone put 771 instead of 770 or something like that
Well it’s not funny if we can’t see that
Damn Bongo, you’re meme slacking
>Dale actually said this in the show
Bless King of the Hill.
@Alpaca13 your the only one who has said anything about understanding so that only applies to you
It will be amazing when you guys meet irl.