Message from @Flfu
Discord ID: 490592897914372106
This server is my personal one and it will live, i lost adminship on the other one so i gave up
You and thomas both get admin abilities
no, BasedGaming.jpg
Good man
Me and my brother in law are in vc
Do i work with you today?
Thomas is a guy i used to play rust with, he is cool
I am still a admin on Alpaca
My original i lost admin due to my account getting deleted
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) the other dude we used to play Rust with, is upgrading his PC soon, so he'll be on Rust a lot more
I kicked people, we argued, she is a terrible admin, i love her as a friend, but garbage admin
Thomas triggered her by calling her a guy by accident i believe
Left that shit real quick lmao
Probably today or sometime
Invite everyone you want
How's it going?
Doing good. You?
How do i make it so people cant type in the rules server?
You have to set it in the channel settings I'm pretty sure
I want people to see it, just not type in it
Ill take some screenshots to help you out one sec.
Read Messages can be checked as a / or as a check mark.
Fifu, can you type in the rules channel now?
I cant see rules.
Also, if you want, I have some basic rules written up from my server if you want to use them.
Okay, what about now?
I can seem rules.
And cant type in it.
I recommend letting Tom doing the channel stuff. He's pretty good at it.