Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 492333444215341077
talk about trash, right?
lol "dreams of jesus"
i cant believe that some people are legitimately that evil
yea, but its 100 percent the truth
uses those sorts of lies to manipulate my mother in law
Tf is wrong with people
my step dads ex wife threw bricks at him woke him by yelling didnt work etc
yea some people are absolutely mental
this is why democracy is so foolish - i would estimate that even in white nations, only around 20 percent of the population is objectively intelligent enough to vote
she also bombed my stepsisters stepsisters baptism and made it about herself i suspect if either of them get married the same will happen
Big meeting of neg(good gentlemen)ros
Check your tags xan
What’s the best way to end the patriarchy?
Wow ikr
It’s just another day so relax
Chill out
It’s a parallax
Than to complain about your job as a mom
Even though a 13 year old could do your job lol
Why are u breaking my flo bro
Thats just what I do
I will break ur notifications bro
Back to my suburban guide to a failing marriage
Pappy will be repeatedly nagged by mammy
Until he yells at her to feck off for once
Then divorce court and she steals the kids and everything he owns
Then pappy will go on a murder rampage and attack the KoolKidsKlub Bois
Aka black lives matter
Then mammy aka @Ya boi Andronikos will use all money on steroids and wine
Yes if ur wondering Mammy is in a gay relationship with @Dresden
Good night and good luck
someone intested in LARP-trolling some redditors ?
Sure @Kilian
Well its about that reddit project r/TheNationState
its pretty much a fictional country called "Divasa"