Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

Discord ID: 504264036964237322

2018-10-23 10:33:48 UTC  

A discord

2018-10-23 10:34:48 UTC  

300+ members

2018-10-23 10:35:19 UTC  


2018-10-23 10:35:31 UTC  

Sieg Heil

2018-10-23 10:35:54 UTC  


2018-10-23 10:36:18 UTC  

@Justin Burger (Major-GA) they are in a discord im server owner of

2018-10-23 10:37:22 UTC  


2018-10-23 10:37:56 UTC  

Wanna drop an invite to this one in your during peak hours with a @-everyone and i will do the same for yours.

2018-10-23 10:38:05 UTC  

LMAO Jackboot shaman is here

2018-10-23 10:38:05 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 1!

2018-10-23 10:38:17 UTC  

He's a retard

2018-10-23 10:38:32 UTC  

How so?

2018-10-23 10:38:45 UTC  

Been in my server, pure autism

2018-10-23 10:38:48 UTC  

Also he looks 12

2018-10-23 10:40:36 UTC  


2018-10-23 10:40:49 UTC  

Is nippy part of small dick gang? @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

2018-10-23 10:40:49 UTC  

GG @Cabinet, you just advanced to level 4!

2018-10-23 10:41:19 UTC

2018-10-23 10:58:43 UTC

2018-10-23 11:37:20 UTC

2018-10-23 12:05:15 UTC  


2018-10-23 12:28:26 UTC  

Wtf happened I regret not staying up all night

2018-10-23 12:59:53 UTC

2018-10-23 12:59:56 UTC

2018-10-23 13:00:21 UTC  

This server and Jims are at war with Dog and The Lyceum

2018-10-23 13:00:46 UTC  

Ah should I shitpost raid

2018-10-23 13:34:12 UTC  

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2018-10-23 13:34:13 UTC  

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2018-10-23 13:34:14 UTC  

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2018-10-23 13:34:15 UTC  

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2018-10-23 14:02:52 UTC  

Such knowledge

2018-10-23 14:03:24 UTC  

Much advanced

2018-10-23 14:17:57 UTC  

thiCCCC wOw

2018-10-23 14:28:17 UTC  
2018-10-23 15:00:35 UTC  

When your friends walk into your bedroom.

2018-10-23 15:14:39 UTC

2018-10-23 15:54:43 UTC  

Trump is going to use Brute force to stop the caravan.

2018-10-23 15:55:31 UTC  

Trump is a kike

2018-10-23 15:55:51 UTC  

He goes after Illegals and not legal spics

2018-10-23 15:55:58 UTC  

He wont stop our race from being replaced here