Message from @pk1260
Discord ID: 523339789991280640
Take a billion years to get a firearms license
oof never going to live in europe
Dont worry
Sooner or later it isnt there anymore
make your own
Eurabia is on its way
Well i do have a lot of spend cases of brass
Even got a 20mm one haha
making a gun is not difficult
Oy vey
a def guy just makes 9-millimeters all day, you can too.
this is old vice
before it was sold they made great content.
True it was better
They just went places and showed you stuff, real journalism.
Member when vice made real nice ?
I member
A i see you're a man of culture as well
a waymen*
confirmed justins gay
So shooting a 9mm and 556 how easy is the recoil pretty sure you guys shot with these rounds
a 9m has a bit, but i have tiny weak hands.
Interesting 🤔
Can you go to a gunrage as tourist actualy?
🤔 i wonder
I really like revolvers , the style and feel. As for the gun range, just go to a friends property.
Respect my property
Mmh sounds interesting do
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) I have 1 job, my ambulance shifts are basically “internships” with ambulance company’s. They teach me how to do my job and I don’t get paid
join the club bongo
Oh read that wrong