Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 555951949368000522

2019-03-15 02:54:38 UTC  

I don’t know, that was enough violence as of right now. Even though I’m really against Muslims and shit, shootings still bother me because I was always worried about in high school. Not like “let’s ban all guns” worried, but the bullying and mental illness we have in public school is through the roof and since it’s a gang area and people from other schools have walked into the building without being detected and gone to someone’s classroom and fought them.

2019-03-15 02:55:09 UTC  

I was worried it would turn into more then just a 1 on 1 gang related thing

2019-03-15 02:56:45 UTC  

Blacks also mentioned multiple times they wanted the whites in our school dead and they used to bully the fuck outta us because we had respect for the school and didn’t cause trouble yet the blacks didn’t give a shit

2019-03-15 02:59:01 UTC  

The blacks or the Muslims? I know of course both but I mean specifically for this conversation

2019-03-15 03:01:04 UTC  

I really did think at one point a white kid was gonna have enough of their shit and shoot the place up

2019-03-15 03:01:51 UTC  

eh just get brass knuckes and cover them up so they dont know and if they notice, trash em

2019-03-15 03:02:06 UTC  

trash the knuckles i mean

2019-03-15 03:04:00 UTC  

Schools have cameras now

2019-03-15 03:04:11 UTC  

Unless it’s really broke school like if it’s in Detroit

2019-03-15 03:07:57 UTC  

what about cokebridge?

2019-03-15 03:09:08 UTC  

No promoting terrorism in here, that can get this server shut down.

2019-03-15 03:09:17 UTC  

I have deleted the comments.

2019-03-15 03:10:08 UTC  

*^posts memes on genocide and jokes in the sameway*

2019-03-15 03:13:02 UTC  

>promoting active terrorism

2019-03-15 03:13:09 UTC  

>making jokes about wars 30 years ago

2019-03-15 03:13:21 UTC  

Totally the same thing.

2019-03-15 03:13:41 UTC  

“White supremacy manifesto” 😂 Prime minster saying it’s the darkest day in NZ. Nah bro, signing that treaty was.....

2019-03-15 03:14:04 UTC  

*posting vids of shootups and says to not promote it*

2019-03-15 03:14:19 UTC  

Okay, so the local news is promoting terrorism?

2019-03-15 03:14:25 UTC  

The local news promotes muder?

2019-03-15 03:14:33 UTC  

*they sure promote anti white terrorism*

2019-03-15 03:20:49 UTC  

I get where Justin is coming from, don’t want anything that can get the FBI raiding our homes

2019-03-15 03:22:23 UTC  

lol with what ive already typed there sending gign over to my house now

2019-03-15 03:22:27 UTC  

On another note, look at the new avengers outfits. I’m not sure how I feel because it makes them uniform but takes away their personal character outfits?

2019-03-15 03:23:34 UTC  

k i n d o f g a y n i c e c o l o r s c h e m e t h o

2019-03-15 03:23:50 UTC  

The Grey white and red is nice

2019-03-15 03:24:58 UTC  

It just takes away their personal uniforms and make them all together. But I guess it’s because iron man, captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, hulk and I think black widow are all leaving MCU so it’s one last “all together” thing

2019-03-15 03:26:11 UTC  

Can’t see that vid, damn it 😢

2019-03-15 03:29:08 UTC  

The video is long so if you watch it take a seat

2019-03-15 03:49:48 UTC  

There is a 10 minute version

2019-03-15 03:49:57 UTC  

He says "subscribe to pewdiepie" at the beginning.

2019-03-15 03:50:24 UTC  

Then at the end he does a drive by and blasts the song Initial D.

2019-03-15 03:50:56 UTC  

His tactical vest had a black sun, Slavic sun necklaces and it also had a "This is for rotherham" print.

2019-03-15 03:51:14 UTC  

He also had the symbol of the Iron guard on his gun.

2019-03-15 03:51:44 UTC  

He seems to be a veteran. he was clearing jams like a trained fighter and he was doing tactical reload's and double taps.

2019-03-15 03:52:00 UTC  

He also had deadeye accuracy.

2019-03-15 03:53:19 UTC  

Over 40 dead reported.

2019-03-15 03:53:43 UTC  

Also police havnt found him, he ditched his gear.

2019-03-15 03:54:26 UTC  

He also made a 4Chan/8Chan post saying "Its time to do something real, you have all been good blokes, despite the degeneracy" and he had a angry Aussie meme that said "Hold still while i glass you"

2019-03-15 04:23:12 UTC  

GG @Edward Teach, you just advanced to level 1!