Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

Discord ID: 556121908207288331

2019-03-15 08:46:33 UTC  


2019-03-15 09:19:48 UTC  

Croatian news kvetching massively that the dude listened to the remove kebab song

2019-03-15 10:00:49 UTC  

Today was a good day comrades 👌🏻👌🏻

2019-03-15 13:04:23 UTC  

I swear every single time a false flag happens
I am either not at home, or I am sleeping for an excess amount of time
And I have just finished sleeping 18 hours
So this is one hell of a falseflag

2019-03-15 13:10:39 UTC  


2019-03-15 13:11:43 UTC  

>clean floors
>everyone laying perfectly still
>no awkward positions
>clean fucking floors
>no "dead bodies" move when shot at

2019-03-15 13:13:26 UTC  

I've seen more realistic trailers for COD

2019-03-15 13:31:18 UTC  

I take it back, saw the full video. Dead gook blasted in the head kek

2019-03-15 14:11:33 UTC  

So when Muslim's commit a mass shooting, its time to disavow islamophobia, White Nationalism and racism, and think about the innocent poor Muslims.

When a white guy commits a mass shooting, its time to disavow islamophobia, White Nationalism and racism, and think about the innocent poor Muslims.

It was opposite day for once, after the dozen's upon dozens, upon dozens, upon dozen's of attacks against us, someone finally fucking snapped, after he saw pictures of a young girl with her bottom half ripped off in Sweden, after traveling Western Europe himself and seeing that even in the countryside town's, they were outnumbered, saw the mass fields of crosses of those who died for those nation's, fighting for a future, saw the Islamic rape gangs of every single UK city, and the bombing and truck attacks of every single French city, the sex scandal's, the unwillingness of law enforcement to punish anyone, the fact these people come here and fucking hate us, and they outbreed us, we are either single, childless or old, they are young, married and surrounded by a dozen children, they go to Mosque's, while we lack any sort of connecting belief structure, sure you may disavow to appeal to the neo-liberal sense of moral's you still have, but many men simply cannot stand what is around them for so long, i do not support the attack in any way, but i see it as something that is inevitable, as our men are pushed against a wall by our own government's, other ethnic groups, and the rape and death of our people, the only thing to do, is push back

2019-03-15 14:17:12 UTC  

I don't support it in absolutely any way, i just don't care, they are coming for your guns anyway's, they will be taken no matter what, it's just when, today, or next week.

2019-03-15 14:26:18 UTC  

It's very simple their "moderates" mask/defend their "extremes" indirectly. Never condoning, never condemning always attacking outward and shaming

2019-03-15 14:26:30 UTC  

This is what you now all can do, because it is effective

2019-03-15 14:27:04 UTC  

I simply don't care because it is a natural, biological reaction.

2019-03-15 14:27:23 UTC  

I don't support it, or wish it, but see it as a fact of life, why disavow?

2019-03-15 14:27:33 UTC  

True I don't care for dead shitskin that shouldn't be there to begin with

2019-03-15 14:27:53 UTC  

But take it, twist it and mold it into something you care about so that what you care about gets done something about

2019-03-15 14:27:56 UTC  

If that makes sense

2019-03-15 14:28:26 UTC  

Hastag not all x and all that nonsense

2019-03-15 14:29:55 UTC  

Its not all, but in one group, the overwhelming international following is extremism, in the other, it is just a few isolated individuals in a few select countries,

2019-03-15 15:33:05 UTC  

Christchurch hero was an eco fascist

2019-03-15 15:33:07 UTC  
2019-03-15 15:33:21 UTC  

Eco gang. Save a bee, kill a refugee

2019-03-15 15:42:37 UTC  

As Killdozer said "A reasonable man, pushed to do unreasonable things"

2019-03-15 15:45:58 UTC  

Pretty much the best thing I’ve read from this entire thing- “Save a bee, kill a refugee”

2019-03-15 15:46:34 UTC  

What a kill count too

2019-03-15 15:46:36 UTC  


2019-03-15 15:46:37 UTC  


2019-03-15 15:46:45 UTC  

Almost 2 nukes in mw2

2019-03-15 16:09:18 UTC  

This New Zealand thing is why I'm such a big advocate of the second amendment.
I love guns because they are guns, but also because they are powerful tools of defense in the hands of good people.
And you can only run so far from a terrorist armed with a gun.
I hope I'll never have to use my AK for self-defense, but I am much happier to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

2019-03-15 16:27:03 UTC  


2019-03-15 16:31:20 UTC  

See, I posted that exact same thing, relatively neutral as far as pro-gun statements go, and I got some serious backlash for it in a different discord.

2019-03-15 16:32:01 UTC  

I just Fucking *know* that people are just going to love pushing more gun bans because of this.

2019-03-15 16:32:08 UTC  

And it pisses me off.

2019-03-15 16:32:30 UTC  

Little faggots that wont do shit, my workplace got doxxed by my cities Antifa, i got threat's, told them to come fight, they didnt do shit.

2019-03-15 16:32:51 UTC  

Guns are gonna exist no matter what and I never want to be the person who doesn’t have one when they pull one out on me.

2019-03-15 16:33:17 UTC  

Wait the flag store?

2019-03-15 16:33:57 UTC  

No, when i was in Georgia.

2019-03-15 16:34:02 UTC  
