Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 556351478575529984

2019-03-15 22:24:03 UTC  

Yes, when the Ukrainian president speaks to the people in the eastern quarter of the country, including the whole Donbass, he speaks in Russian, not Ukrainian.

2019-03-15 22:32:20 UTC  

Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, Kharkiv, all of those oblasts/Provinces are majority Ethnic Russian and speak Russian.

2019-03-15 22:35:23 UTC  

The main issue is that one of Ukraine's largest cities is in the Russian zone Donetsk, and then Sevastopol is one of the only major ports they have, without that all they have is Odessa.

2019-03-16 01:22:33 UTC  

soooo... idk how to feel about this shooter.

2019-03-16 01:24:31 UTC  

I think he was unstable for sure. I just read his manifesto. To what extent was he crazy though? I mean, he wasn't wrong, morally, to clean the mosque, but besides that? He loses points for environmentalism and his anti-capitalism stance. I also don't think this was a wise move, but how crazy is he?

2019-03-16 02:30:07 UTC  

Save the bees, kill Muslims. How much better could it get? No respect for a violent religion and majority rape women and children.

2019-03-16 02:30:30 UTC  

Bees > Muslims.

2019-03-16 02:30:44 UTC  

I completely agree.

2019-03-16 03:05:25 UTC  

yeah but some of the things he says are out there

2019-03-16 03:06:37 UTC  

like his strategy of "shouting down responding state enforcement" which he does describe as quixotic, but that's a hell of an understatement.

2019-03-16 03:18:56 UTC  

Pewdiepie is actually getting attacked because he said “subscribe to pewdiepie”. Liberals are so fucking stupid they genuinely think pewdiepie did this.

2019-03-16 03:23:50 UTC  

Yeah, they do.

2019-03-16 03:24:39 UTC  

I'll say it first, I used to hate Pewdie's guts back in the day when nothing but kids watched his stuff and it was like watching retarded Nickelodeon, but he's actually improved the quality of his stuff quite a bit.

2019-03-16 03:25:23 UTC  

Honestly, I feel like Leftists and Liberals are two different animals now.

2019-03-16 03:25:38 UTC  

They used to be the same, but I don't think Liberals want anything to do with Leftists anymore.

2019-03-16 04:21:55 UTC  

Also, **This weeks winner for coolest member is.... @CaptainBadger !**

2019-03-16 04:22:14 UTC  

Congratulations, now go fuck yourself big boy.

2019-03-16 05:24:22 UTC  

I have to get up in 5 hours and I can’t sleep.

2019-03-16 05:25:17 UTC  

It’s not just any regular day either, it’s my hands on advanced national register exam. Ffs.

2019-03-16 05:42:08 UTC  

Wait, what

2019-03-16 05:42:09 UTC  

GG @CaptainBadger, you just advanced to level 7!

2019-03-16 06:03:04 UTC  

Do your push ups guys. Time is coming soon

2019-03-16 06:03:44 UTC  

Any of you guys think it's a false flag ?

2019-03-16 06:15:05 UTC

2019-03-16 06:16:26 UTC  

So when Muslim's commit a mass shooting, its time to disavow islamophobia, White Nationalism and racism, and think about the innocent poor Muslims.

When a white guy commits a mass shooting, its time to disavow islamophobia, White Nationalism and racism, and think about the innocent poor Muslims.

It was opposite day for once, after the dozen's upon dozens, upon dozens, upon dozen's of attacks against us, someone finally fucking snapped, after he saw pictures of a young girl with her bottom half ripped off in Sweden, after traveling Western Europe himself and seeing that even in the countryside town's, they were outnumbered, saw the mass fields of crosses of those who died for those nation's, fighting for a future, saw the Islamic rape gangs of every single UK city, and the bombing and truck attacks of every single French city, the sex scandal's, the unwillingness of law enforcement to punish anyone, the fact these people come here and fucking hate us, and they outbreed us, we are either single, childless or old, they are young, married and surrounded by a dozen children, they go to Mosque's, while we lack any sort of connecting belief structure, sure you may disavow to appeal to the neo-liberal sense of moral's you still have, but many men simply cannot stand what is around them for so long, i do not support the attack in any way, but i see it as something that is inevitable and will continue, as our men are pushed against a wall by our own government's, other ethnic groups, and the rape and death of our people, the only thing to do, is push back.

I don't support it in absolutely any way, but i just don't care, they are coming for your guns anyway's, they will be taken no matter what, it's just when, today, or next week.

2019-03-16 06:16:30 UTC  

As i said earlier.

2019-03-16 06:21:28 UTC  


2019-03-16 06:22:14 UTC  

Get your bodies and minds ready pals. I hope you guys are able to keep up

2019-03-16 06:22:19 UTC  

A Australian Minister came out saying that immigration is why the attack happened, and said even in Australia, civil war is a looming threat, as it is in every western country, it is a single crisis away.

2019-03-16 06:22:36 UTC  


2019-03-16 06:23:07 UTC  

I've been waiting for awhile now. Finally the time is coming

2019-03-16 06:23:30 UTC

2019-03-16 06:23:44 UTC  

I am just worried about numbers, half of our people are libtards.

2019-03-16 06:24:09 UTC  

Image a world wide goyim army

2019-03-16 06:24:26 UTC  

We don't need a lot of people. Just enough to fight

2019-03-16 06:24:32 UTC  

Oh as someone said, it will be everyone vs Nationalist's, even conservatives would rather side with groups like ADL, SPLC, BLM and Antifa, than work with us.

2019-03-16 06:25:01 UTC  

Most will side with us.

2019-03-16 06:25:49 UTC  

We just need to red pill anyone on the right side that is J woke.

2019-03-16 06:25:55 UTC  

Isn't *

2019-03-16 06:28:04 UTC

2019-03-16 06:28:48 UTC  

It is much easier to tear something down than build it.