Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

Discord ID: 556237297696243740

2019-03-15 19:33:28 UTC  

The only charming moments in the entire thing were the Stan Lee tribute, which was far shorter than the man deserved, the loading scene with the computer, and the banter between the Skrull in the house.

2019-03-15 19:33:36 UTC  

Out of a 2-hour movie, I'd say I found *maybe* 20 minutes worth my time, and that's being generous.

2019-03-15 19:33:45 UTC  

The entire movie was a dead, moldy cardboard cutout of a real Marvel movie with a glacial plot, choppy editing that feels like it had a butcher's knife taken to it, below-average CGI at best, flat and utterly unlikeable characters (I mean, Fuck Me, they even made *Fury* look like the class fool, say nothing of the rest of the caste), a musical score they somehow managed to make D-movie material, and a sense of humor that didn't exist.

2019-03-15 19:37:42 UTC  

And yes, I am being harsh, the fact they had the sheer *gall* to imply that an *Air Force Academy* cadet would be such a barbarian as to make that "cockpit joke" at the start of the movie means I will not hold back on delivering my full and honest appraisal of the film.

2019-03-15 19:40:44 UTC  

At this point, I do not doubt any of what's been said about the movie so far, and I completely believe that Disney's been buying tickets in bulk to make it look like it's doing well considering the theatre I was in was completely empty.

2019-03-15 19:47:03 UTC  

If Endgame is anything like this, I'm going to be a very sad Panda.

2019-03-15 19:48:16 UTC  

When you think captain marvel is human let alone female

2019-03-15 19:49:04 UTC  

It's also a well known fact that everyone in the air force loves cock

2019-03-15 19:51:35 UTC  

You're right, Captain Marvel wasn't Human or Female in this movie.

2019-03-15 19:51:38 UTC  

She was a feminist.

2019-03-15 19:57:03 UTC  

The actress in irl is a fucking idiot, but the movie wasn’t that bad

2019-03-15 20:08:29 UTC  

im quite happy with the kiwi myself

2019-03-15 20:08:50 UTC  

unrelated to alpacas comment which i disagree with

2019-03-15 20:09:11 UTC  

I think how good or bad the movie is depends on your tolerance for Bullshit or certain kinds of Bullshit.

I reached my peak in record time with this "movie".

2019-03-15 20:16:40 UTC  

top gun was way better

2019-03-15 20:58:55 UTC  

Look at the public outcry after yesterday’s top job... If an Izzy done that to us it would be business as usual ....

2019-03-15 20:59:46 UTC  

Boiga, you still play Rust?

2019-03-15 21:00:40 UTC

2019-03-15 21:03:10 UTC  

i cant read any of that m8 too small

2019-03-15 22:08:26 UTC  

Letting all my post followers here, i got banned for arguing with people.

2019-03-15 22:08:37 UTC  

They argue with emotion, then report me when they don't get their way.

2019-03-15 22:09:12 UTC  


2019-03-15 22:09:15 UTC  

perma zucc?

2019-03-15 22:09:22 UTC  

No, just 29 days.

2019-03-15 22:09:41 UTC  

See, using your main is fine until that happens

2019-03-15 22:09:54 UTC  

You already got doxxed so whatever, now it's just probably a nuisance for you

2019-03-15 22:10:16 UTC  

Eh, hasnt been much of an issue.

2019-03-15 22:11:24 UTC  

How do you feel about Crimea?

2019-03-15 22:11:57 UTC  

If the people there truly wanted to be part of Russia, since they are overwhelmingly ethnic Russian, i wont argue.

2019-03-15 22:12:34 UTC  

The determination of ethnic groups has shaped every part of our history.

2019-03-15 22:20:29 UTC  

Yeah, it's sort of like seperation

2019-03-15 22:21:29 UTC  

Because when Russia came in and annexed, the police put up no resistance, because they are ethnic Russian's, only the Ukrainian soldier's from the west showed any refusal.

2019-03-15 22:21:46 UTC  

They speak a lot of russian there still too don't they?

2019-03-15 22:24:03 UTC  

Yes, when the Ukrainian president speaks to the people in the eastern quarter of the country, including the whole Donbass, he speaks in Russian, not Ukrainian.

2019-03-15 22:32:20 UTC  

Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, Kharkiv, all of those oblasts/Provinces are majority Ethnic Russian and speak Russian.

2019-03-15 22:35:23 UTC  

The main issue is that one of Ukraine's largest cities is in the Russian zone Donetsk, and then Sevastopol is one of the only major ports they have, without that all they have is Odessa.

2019-03-16 01:22:33 UTC  

soooo... idk how to feel about this shooter.

2019-03-16 01:24:31 UTC  

I think he was unstable for sure. I just read his manifesto. To what extent was he crazy though? I mean, he wasn't wrong, morally, to clean the mosque, but besides that? He loses points for environmentalism and his anti-capitalism stance. I also don't think this was a wise move, but how crazy is he?

2019-03-16 02:30:07 UTC  

Save the bees, kill Muslims. How much better could it get? No respect for a violent religion and majority rape women and children.

2019-03-16 02:30:30 UTC  

Bees > Muslims.