Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 565913040709615616

2019-04-11 05:10:10 UTC  

It was so sad

2019-04-11 05:12:41 UTC  


2019-04-11 05:13:21 UTC

2019-04-11 05:14:26 UTC  


2019-04-11 05:16:19 UTC  

I chug cough syrup

2019-04-11 05:16:27 UTC  

Then smoke meth

2019-04-11 05:16:40 UTC  

And inject pcp into my toes

2019-04-11 05:20:56 UTC  

That's a bit extreme

2019-04-11 06:17:53 UTC  


2019-04-11 06:47:45 UTC  

Pcp does sound fun tho

2019-04-11 07:55:10 UTC  

It is also possible to have fun without it

2019-04-11 11:25:31 UTC  

I have made such a huge mistake staying up late

2019-04-11 11:25:57 UTC  

Oh why did I do this to myself

2019-04-11 14:12:15 UTC  

Remember how shitty you feel right now

2019-04-11 14:12:20 UTC  

And use that to not make the mistake again

2019-04-11 14:52:11 UTC  

I have no knees

2019-04-11 14:52:32 UTC  

I'll make sure I'll have knees again

2019-04-11 14:55:48 UTC  

So says jesus crust

2019-04-11 14:56:07 UTC  

>tfw you delete the txt file with all your passwords but only notice it a month later

2019-04-11 14:56:15 UTC  

I’ve felt this way many times before, and I continue to do it lmao

2019-04-11 14:56:23 UTC  

Stop doing it

2019-04-11 14:56:26 UTC  

I can’t

2019-04-11 14:56:29 UTC  

You must

2019-04-11 14:56:36 UTC  

Do it for ol' Hal

2019-04-11 14:56:47 UTC  

It’s so good to stay up late...but wake up early to burning red eyes sucks

2019-04-11 14:57:01 UTC  

You know what is good?

2019-04-11 14:57:05 UTC  


2019-04-11 14:57:11 UTC  

Waking up 5 minutes before your alarm goes off, feeling well rested

2019-04-11 14:57:17 UTC  

Smoke some weed to make them BURN MORE

2019-04-11 14:57:18 UTC  

GG @trainer of the sacred silcoon, you just advanced to level 6!

2019-04-11 14:57:23 UTC  

No weed

2019-04-11 14:57:46 UTC  

Weed is the staple of crustianity

2019-04-11 14:57:59 UTC  

In high school I had a severe problem where throughout the school year I kept waking up earlier and earlier before my alarm and couldn’t go back to sleep. Eventually it reached 5-6am and I was exhausted everyday

2019-04-11 14:58:16 UTC  


2019-04-11 14:58:29 UTC  

I wake up those times anyway, so rip

2019-04-11 14:58:33 UTC  

My body would anticipate my alarm going off so I kept waking up thinking it would go off soon and I no control

2019-04-11 14:58:47 UTC  


2019-04-11 14:59:16 UTC  

That’s another reason why I stay up late because if I’m exhausted i go into a really deep sleep and don’t wake up until my alarm goes off

2019-04-11 14:59:34 UTC  

Makes sense

2019-04-11 14:59:39 UTC  

There’s a method to my madness, it’s just a shit method

2019-04-11 14:59:45 UTC  

But it works