Message from @Alpaca13
Discord ID: 618272178944606218
Boomer boomer boomer
Well I’m sinning
I mean technically I do everyday but I’m not at all a “god” person so I don’t think about it but I know lots in here are
Tapeworm is my bff right now
She may not have mutual BFF feelings, but I’m going to use my admin power to declare us bffs
What message
I have heem
Is that you lmao
What the hell did you write on your fore head
My bff is crazy
<a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758>
Am clown
Idk I was bore
Alice a.. I ugcxte
Good idea to get my 1,000lb ass to work
PSA- I am not actually 1,000 lbs
1488 eebs, as I pronounce it
(even thouogh that is an L and not an I)
Me knowing I have to take apart my pc tomorrow and try to be a genius and then put it back together
The only pc I've ever had, that lasted me more than two years, is the one I have now. It's also the only one I didn't assemble or tinker with myself. Hopefully you're not the bane of electronics like me
Me going to sleep with a F in latin 8 assignments behind with one including having to call my teacher and pronounce and have a conversation in latin with them also going to sleep knowing i have a summer reading essay due tomorrow that i had four months to do but never even started
Holy fuck you’re really bad at doing a lot of stuff
I hope that’s not true
Just because this group is whites (majority) who dislike other races (I think it is) doesn’t mean it’s full of idiots
We have to be smart to prove our points and have conversations. If we just wear white hoods we get shunned and nobody hears us
Be properly educated
no joke laice