Message from @farrah
Discord ID: 618270711240458251
That doesn't sound like an insult
So my pc is broken
It keeps shutting down due to high cpu usage
Great so before it would shut down but then I could turn it back on. Now it’s not turning back on at all
Tomorrow I am taking my computer completely apart and inspecting each part individually...fuck
Even though I have to do this, I’m glad I can though because it’s a custom build and I can just change out the parts
Boomer boomer boomer
Boomer boomer boomer
Well I’m sinning
I mean technically I do everyday but I’m not at all a “god” person so I don’t think about it but I know lots in here are
Tapeworm is my bff right now
She may not have mutual BFF feelings, but I’m going to use my admin power to declare us bffs
What message
Is that you lmao
What the hell did you write on your fore head
My bff is crazy
<a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758> <a:penguinguitar:586679164002762758>
Am clown
What was the purpose of the clown makeup
Idk I was bore
Alice a.. I ugcxte
Good idea to get my 1,000lb ass to work
PSA- I am not actually 1,000 lbs
1488 eebs, as I pronounce it