Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 620401374563401738
I desperately want to but currently yard is over grown so I can’t
We shall clear land together
With @Deleted User
We can all grow potatoes
Ultimately, I'd like my yard to be one huge permaculture setup
I want a seed bank
Or vault? How ever it’s properly called
And hopefully shady enough to have a real moss lawn
I don’t like moss
Why not?
It hides nothing but bugs
Bugs are awesome
It’s good for making a shelter and if you dry it tinder but eh
I don’t appreciate harmful bugs like spiders
Ah, they're nothing
If it’s earth worms then I’m fine, good for ye garden
I have the world's deadliest spider hanging about
He's fine
And orb weavers are generally not harmful to us
I'm getting deja vu
Didn't we already establish that as bullshit
Look man, you said it. I took it with a grain of salt
Genetics is proving the linguists correct. I can't take your word saying otherwise without tangible evidence
The higher castes have Aryan blood from the Aryan invasions
That's why they're lighter skinned
Whom, who do you cite on this
There are contradictory studies and theories, to this and those that contest them, it's all a shitshow
The "higher castes" have remnants of european blood, yeah
Not aryan
That's some fucking gooseliver persian boobery
Are you denying the Aryan invasions?
GG @Maggie The Magpie, you just advanced to level 5!
No, we pretty much agree, it's just semitic semantics around names at this point lol
When I say Aryan I don't mean alpine folk
Like it's apparently meant to mean
I mean the Indo-Aryans
I see, so you're of the belief that we were only made great by the foreign buttplug