Message from @Maggie The Magpie

Discord ID: 622655128939528202

2019-09-15 04:43:05 UTC  

I don’t think Catholicism is “kiked”. Remember, these men spend their entire lives locked within the Vatican and of Rome.

2019-09-15 04:43:13 UTC  

They study the faith every, waking moment.

2019-09-15 04:43:42 UTC  

The popes pacifism and lack of confrontation can absolutely be seen as “kiked” but no where has he been directly anti-Christian.

2019-09-15 04:43:47 UTC  

Star of remphan all over everything kinda gives it away imo

2019-09-15 04:44:11 UTC  

Xtianity is kiked to its core

2019-09-15 04:44:17 UTC  

It's inception

2019-09-15 04:44:18 UTC  

The Catholics and Orthodox are more pagan than Christian though.

2019-09-15 04:44:33 UTC  

If you’ve noticed, Celtic pagans have their own form of Christianity that isn’t strictly aligning with the Papacy.

2019-09-15 04:44:39 UTC  

The holiest depiction of woman is a kike bitch

2019-09-15 04:45:19 UTC  

Yes, the relics and images of the Holy Family.

2019-09-15 04:45:27 UTC  

They are, indeed, Semitic.

2019-09-15 04:45:53 UTC  

But does that mean we worship them as semites, or the principles they preached?

2019-09-15 04:46:17 UTC  

It’s the same logic as: Do we worship George Washington as a person or for his philosophy and accomplishments?

2019-09-15 04:47:02 UTC  

Their still is many European saints of Christianity, predominantly Christian history, the scholars, monks and everything else is European.

2019-09-15 04:47:26 UTC  

We were principled before they killed more of us than the Muslim

2019-09-15 04:47:26 UTC  

There is no doubt that it is no longer the same Semitic faith of its origin, but evolved to a truly European shaped religion.

2019-09-15 04:47:49 UTC  

It's anti-european in every way

2019-09-15 04:48:27 UTC  

Not really, the Bible preaches peace but it doesn’t condemn war, it does not condemn nationalism, it doesn’t condemn patriotism or racial beliefs.

2019-09-15 04:48:38 UTC  

But it does condemn harmful vices such as selfishness.

2019-09-15 04:49:11 UTC  

True religion uses reason and pursues what is conducive to life. That is why there is no real beauty or justice in Abrahamic religions. Christianity will continue to pervert and destroy us if we don't shed it off; it has no power to save civilization or the White race, both of which it has held prisoner for far too long.

Christianity did nothing to establish a code of civilization; it came along, stole it from the Greeks and Romans, toppled it and erased much of the greatest pagan wisdom, caused a Dark Age, persecuted pagans instead of defending Europe from Muslims, caused millions of European deaths through dogmatic wars, and laid the foundation for the anti-civilizational forces of modernity. This is all laid out in my book, in Shadia Drury's Terror and Civilization, in Gillespie's Theological Origins of Modernity, in Siniossoglou's Plato and Theodoret, Catherine Nixey's The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World, and many other places; it is a well-established fact that Christianity has been the cause of our downfall and our divergence from true virtues (ie "pagan" or "classical" virtues). Christianity is a great detriment and plague that needs to be eradicated completely and permanently.

2019-09-15 04:49:17 UTC  

Christianity renounces this world and welcomes the stranger and is hung up on shortsighted immediate charity. There is no room to value race or preserve it at the expense of others in it. My book has done the work of laying out correct thinking, demonstrating the fatal errors of Christianity, and establishing a correct way to think about moral questions about race and eugenics. There is no room for this in Christianity. Why preserve this disease by getting people to rally behind deluded and indefensible fringe interpretations of Christianity when they will be more ready to just abandon it for the glorious true religions? Forget Christianity.

There are already many living traditions with established virtues and values out there which excel far beyond what Christianity is capable of imagining.

2019-09-15 04:49:20 UTC  

Crusades happened out of necessity, the Bible (Old testament) even clearly states that war is justified in self defense.

2019-09-15 04:49:46 UTC  

They invaded Europe!

2019-09-15 04:50:21 UTC  

The crusades killed more pagan Europeans than Muslims

2019-09-15 04:50:36 UTC  

I don’t agree that Christianity “invaded”. They came and preached a new path to the poor and downtrodden, and due to their nonviolence and lack of resistance to being punished and struck repeatedly, their principles became more appealing.

2019-09-15 04:50:54 UTC  

Although I do not agree with the paranoia of paganism within Christianity. That is more of suppression than it is holy.

2019-09-15 04:51:25 UTC  

The Monks can become warriors, because it is within their blood.

2019-09-15 04:51:42 UTC  

Peace must be maintained, even if it means killing. And the Knights of the Crusades knew this.

2019-09-15 04:51:42 UTC  

That's how it started, yes

2019-09-15 04:51:53 UTC  

They went to the holy land to start hospitals, charities and kitchens.

2019-09-15 04:52:02 UTC  

And they came out as Warrior cultures.

2019-09-15 04:52:06 UTC  

But then European xtians in the form of crusaders killed their own volk

2019-09-15 04:52:38 UTC  

If we observe the warrior culture of the Teutonic Knights and observe the Berserker of Norse-Germanic culture, what difference is there?

2019-09-15 04:52:45 UTC  

Religion and origin.

2019-09-15 04:52:50 UTC  

But the similarities?

2019-09-15 04:53:53 UTC  

They are known as fierce warriors, can snap into blind rage to where one man can take down a shield wall in his state of frenzy. The Teutonic Knights took on 2/3rds of the Slavic world and majority of the pagan world In one war, even fighting **Catholic** Poland who spearheaded the pagan coalition to end the Teutonic order.

2019-09-15 04:54:11 UTC  

If the Teutonic Knights started as monks, they ended as warriors on par with pagan berserkers.

2019-09-15 04:54:27 UTC

2019-09-15 04:55:09 UTC  

We can sit here for hours and debate over the Semitic origin and the extent of its influence, but we’re getting no where by doing this tango.

2019-09-15 04:55:57 UTC  

Your previous argument is incredibly disingenuous to two cultures