Message from @ExceptionalFeather

Discord ID: 516387056713334795

2018-11-25 22:53:43 UTC  

Netherlands is the most corrupt of them all

2018-11-25 22:54:02 UTC  

i wont deny that, but what do you know about it?

2018-11-25 22:54:08 UTC  

AID FIRST 0 / 0 Zaes

2018-11-25 22:54:19 UTC  

our corruption has to do with money... and drugs mainly afaik

2018-11-25 22:54:21 UTC  

Well, let's say Aghast, we don't have any referenda anymore

2018-11-25 22:54:26 UTC  

From EAM watch.

2018-11-25 22:54:27 UTC  

AID FIRST 1 / 0 Zaes

2018-11-25 22:54:35 UTC  

because the current goverment was like ''they are useless''

2018-11-25 22:54:52 UTC  

They were thinking to sign the marrakesh pact without reading into it

2018-11-25 22:55:26 UTC  

Plus a majority of the voters was left on the sidelines on the previous elections which 1 of the biggest wasn't pulled into the ruling formation.

2018-11-25 22:55:58 UTC  

There is a bigger list but that would be too much.

2018-11-25 22:56:25 UTC  

i know, the marrakesh pact is fucking retarded :P

2018-11-25 22:56:33 UTC  

left wing has gone crazy in the netherlands

2018-11-25 22:56:37 UTC  

and i think its too late to change it

2018-11-25 22:56:43 UTC  

Well we can save it

2018-11-25 22:56:49 UTC  

without civil war that is

2018-11-25 22:56:51 UTC  

a right wing party PVV is gaining onto them

2018-11-25 22:57:02 UTC  

Plus the newly started FVD is marching onwards

2018-11-25 22:57:10 UTC  

So all our hope is focussed on those 2 parties

2018-11-25 22:57:26 UTC  

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2018-11-25 22:57:48 UTC  

TwoXChomosomes bans you if you post in theDonald

2018-11-25 22:58:23 UTC  

i dont like wilders that much tho...
i like Thierry baudet, but dutch people are not awake enough to hear what he is saying

2018-11-25 22:58:37 UTC  

It's an autoban by a bot

2018-11-25 22:58:45 UTC  

and, there are already too many immigrants here that participate in the political process

2018-11-25 22:58:49 UTC  

True Aghast, but slowly they are to get awake

2018-11-25 22:59:01 UTC  

That is outright censorship and thought policing @ExceptionalFeather

2018-11-25 22:59:03 UTC  

I've seen more and more resist

2018-11-25 22:59:42 UTC  

And trust if in the next Elections the PVV is the biggest or semi biggest and not let into the ruling formation shit will break lose

2018-11-25 23:00:07 UTC  

Cause that would be more then 1,6/2 million voters left in the dirt

2018-11-25 23:00:44 UTC  

i hope so lol :P
i wouldnt be surprised if they would just ignore it, brand them as racist/xenophobes etc
the normies will eat it up, and nothing will change

2018-11-25 23:01:05 UTC  

True, but we do have a shot at the first chamber elections

2018-11-25 23:01:29 UTC  

If FVD wins that they could stop the left over here from making any retarded choices

2018-11-25 23:02:04 UTC  

i just want blood tbh... theres a big group of lefties that are just ... traitors lol

2018-11-25 23:02:13 UTC  

It is really unfortunate because they do not even check what your posts are int the other subreddit, they just assume that because you are around another group that you are a participator of shenanigans from that group

2018-11-25 23:03:10 UTC  

Somewhat yes, but Aghost, it's mostly passive people over here, if i had the option to move away from here i would rather go to America or Japan.

2018-11-25 23:03:22 UTC  

yeah, same lol

2018-11-25 23:03:55 UTC  

but , cant leave it just yet. it aint over until its over

2018-11-25 23:03:59 UTC  

Unless you are Japanese, I do not recommend moving to Japan.

2018-11-25 23:04:07 UTC  

Is it that bad?

2018-11-25 23:04:11 UTC  

You will be forever an outsider, and so will your children, and your children's children.

2018-11-25 23:04:20 UTC  

You won't necessarily be mistreated.