Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)

Discord ID: 641749623857217536

2019-11-06 21:20:00 UTC  

Shit is getting nasty here and in order to prepare for the boogaloo I'm in search of kinfolk

2019-11-06 21:20:12 UTC  

such a beautiful state, but it's fucking ruined lol

2019-11-06 21:20:17 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:20:23 UTC  

Been here all my life

2019-11-06 21:20:32 UTC  

I’m never dating a non white ever again

2019-11-06 21:20:40 UTC  

Traveled out of state before and all over the north of cascadia

2019-11-06 21:20:54 UTC  

The one time I dated a Mexican/ white person they cheated on me with a nignog

2019-11-06 21:21:20 UTC  

the mexican/white girl i dated was awesome

2019-11-06 21:21:23 UTC  

i miss that dumb bitch

2019-11-06 21:22:10 UTC  

I don’t

2019-11-06 21:22:49 UTC  

love u alice, long time no see hoe

2019-11-06 21:23:01 UTC  

I know brother

2019-11-06 21:23:06 UTC  

Love you long time

2019-11-06 21:23:10 UTC  

every time i come in here i get scolded and lectured lul

2019-11-06 21:23:17 UTC  

Yeah we both do

2019-11-06 21:23:26 UTC  

It’s a love hate relationship in this server

2019-11-06 21:23:32 UTC  

They love us, but they also hate us

2019-11-06 21:23:39 UTC  

i think it's awesome

2019-11-06 21:23:40 UTC  

Remember, we scold you because we care.

2019-11-06 21:23:46 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:23:53 UTC  

You need to do better, TOMMY BOY.

2019-11-06 21:23:56 UTC  

being a hoe is fun

2019-11-06 21:23:59 UTC  

change my mind

2019-11-06 21:24:15 UTC

2019-11-06 21:26:03 UTC  

It’s because they want to be us

2019-11-06 21:26:21 UTC  

We get pussy and they don’t

2019-11-06 21:26:25 UTC  

>wanting to be a femoid, nah.

2019-11-06 21:26:35 UTC  

Nsfw my guy

2019-11-06 21:26:35 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:26:40 UTC  


2019-11-06 21:26:45 UTC  

My mistake

2019-11-06 21:27:10 UTC  

You’re good man

2019-11-06 21:27:27 UTC  

It least I get pussy Justin

2019-11-06 21:27:33 UTC  

You keep watching that pornhub

2019-11-06 21:27:34 UTC  

im gonna go make a burrito

2019-11-06 21:27:40 UTC  

Make me one too bb

2019-11-06 21:27:46 UTC  

> I am in a relationship atm

2019-11-06 21:27:53 UTC  

Okay, loser.

2019-11-06 21:27:55 UTC  

there's this one girl that lives like 10 mins from where I'm about to move, and we're gonna go on a date and im hyped

2019-11-06 21:27:56 UTC  

In a relationship doesn’t mean you get pussy

2019-11-06 21:28:07 UTC  

That’s cool man!