Message from @m3gan
Discord ID: 648025169398333460
Rise my aborted minions.
ye talked bout bogaloo?
what's going in the US?
Red flag
Can you not @Alpaca13
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) can you unmute and undeafen me please.
President Phil demands your $200
**Yes senpai**
It’s not racism, the toys are all black
A bunch of new posters, neat
Legend says every first day of Fall, a gay is shocked by Mike Pence.
Haha sooo funny
Like, electroshocked or just shocked to see him?
Are we talking about femoids, as if they’re not available for purchase in the Turkish caliphate?
How much are we selling alice for
I’ll buy for $50
Wallah! We must make a sell today.
looks like my uncle
Gay meme