Message from @Miomio
Discord ID: 320997214715641867
Tell me if you need vetted @here
Got kicked from Alt-Kike chat.
I swear, might as well just go full NatSoc.
Wilkommen @Nations98
whats up peeps
Not much, you?
not much just got invited
whats the vetting can i do that
You have 10-15 minutes free?
of course!
And you'll need a mic.
i have one
lemme check mic settings
alright fam get in voice chat
i dont have access i dont think
weird, you should
public chat
what's up i'm back does anyone remember me?
Well, i remember you
@Chancellor oh hey man what's up?
Not much, i accidentally deleted this place and couldn't find a usable link for a while.
Do I need to be vetted again?
@Chancellor Well, we kind of have a two tier system now where there is vetted and trusted vetted. I'll go ahead and vouch for you and make you vetted, then after a while you can become trusted.
@here can I get vetted?
>unironically supporting arabs againist Israel
wtf anticom
Yeah frankly the whole anti-Jew thing is kind of cringey and does nothing but hurt our cause
>being smart enough to hate communism
>not knowing who created communism
Come on dude
Fuck their homeland
They can have it back when I get mine
>fundamentally going against my principles to blame a small ethnic group
It's not worth it to me
Even if it were true, how does it help our cause to be actively against them
Trust me, they don't give a shit about your principles. Your principles won't stop them from slandering you into suicide once they take your job, your family, everything.
That's the difference between myself and the barbarians.
Being counter-Semitic is against your principles
Defending yourself from an alien, predatory people is against your principles
Pray tell, what exactly ARE your principles
Whether Semites are what you claim is up for conjecture, my friend