Message from @Halindir

Discord ID: 651152172016467997

2019-12-02 19:38:12 UTC  

I do know this stuff looks fun as fuck.

2019-12-02 19:38:14 UTC  


2019-12-02 19:45:29 UTC  

I have never separated laundry and have yet to notice any issues whatsoever

2019-12-02 19:46:03 UTC  

Do not put black shirts in with towels lmfao

2019-12-02 19:46:14 UTC  

The fibers get stuck into the black shirts

2019-12-02 19:46:24 UTC  

And it won't come out for like 3-4 washes

2019-12-02 19:47:17 UTC  

Okay, I have never separated clothes when doing laundry

2019-12-02 19:49:03 UTC  

Sorry I dress like a greaser.

2019-12-02 19:49:15 UTC  

People think I am Italian when I am not.

2019-12-02 19:49:21 UTC  

Because of how I do my hair and clothes.

2019-12-02 19:49:44 UTC  

I recently acquired this way.

2019-12-02 19:49:47 UTC  

I only wash blankets serperate

2019-12-02 19:50:06 UTC  

I never separate my clothes

2019-12-02 19:50:17 UTC  

I’ve never had a red item turn all my stuff pink

2019-12-02 19:50:19 UTC  

Tf is the deal with people being so anal about it

2019-12-02 19:51:03 UTC  

A lot of stuff is already washed so I guess it’s an old thing where it used to be the dyes would come out

2019-12-02 20:02:55 UTC

2019-12-02 20:03:15 UTC  

I have never watched the original Animated Lord of the Rings.

2019-12-02 20:05:13 UTC  

I did so you don't have to. It's kind of 70'ies cringe though that is also its strength, musically you will find that the jew howard shore plagiarized a great deal from it

2019-12-02 20:06:02 UTC  

My feet are cold, it's -3 c outside and my window has been opened all day, I'm too cheap to turn on the heat and too lazy to close the window

2019-12-02 20:06:15 UTC  

That's why I wear blankets

2019-12-02 20:28:54 UTC  

Why don't out politicians understand that we are not a democracy.

2019-12-02 20:29:01 UTC  

We are not a Democratic republic.

2019-12-02 20:29:12 UTC  

We not not any form of democracy in that context.

2019-12-02 20:29:21 UTC  

We are a Representative Republic.

2019-12-02 20:30:04 UTC  

Switching from our current system to deciding everything by popular vote, means a COMPLETE change of our entire government, our entire government system and our type of government would change.

2019-12-02 20:30:47 UTC  

We vote for the people we want to represent us, then they make their votes on issues and laws, and functions.

2019-12-02 20:40:12 UTC  

I would prefer a different system.

2019-12-02 20:40:17 UTC  

But direct democracy is even worse.

2019-12-02 20:40:27 UTC  

Tyranny by the majority.

2019-12-02 20:40:53 UTC  

If 51% of the population wanted to kill 49% of the population, they could vote it to be.

2019-12-02 20:41:18 UTC  

I want hal to be my king <:FeelsLoveMan:339648483562749953>

2019-12-02 20:44:02 UTC  


2019-12-02 20:46:40 UTC  

@Alpaca13 Taxes, let's go

2019-12-02 20:48:05 UTC  


2019-12-02 20:48:11 UTC  

I’ll pay taxes if it’s to you

2019-12-02 20:48:17 UTC  

You can buy all the garlic you want

2019-12-02 20:48:30 UTC  

If ever I become king, you will be my minister of health

2019-12-02 20:48:32 UTC

2019-12-02 20:48:39 UTC  

Coomers when Pornhub is down.

2019-12-02 20:49:16 UTC  

Justin will be my minister of defense