Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 517346121274621983

2018-11-28 14:25:19 UTC  

but what usually happens is you get the same story at a lower quality level+now someone is black

2018-11-28 14:25:38 UTC  


2018-11-28 14:26:20 UTC  

and the rewrites often insultingly delve into "look we got a Black this time guys! We'll show that young MLK how progressive we are" and then the exec continues to receive calendars from the wrong year to keep up the facade

2018-11-28 14:26:23 UTC  

@Beemann just because writers suck at making good movies doesn't mean rewrites or new interpretations are bad inherently, i dont see how that is true

2018-11-28 14:26:28 UTC  

while box office returns drop like a rock

2018-11-28 14:26:35 UTC  

did I ever say interpretations are bad?

2018-11-28 14:26:41 UTC  

was that ever my position?

2018-11-28 14:27:09 UTC  

If you want to write say, a Native American version of Cinderella, base it in a different time period, get those people in on that, fill your boots

2018-11-28 14:27:11 UTC  

You were like a movie should represent the story

2018-11-28 14:27:11 UTC  

Honestly ban all races

2018-11-28 14:27:16 UTC  

Adapt it to the culture and everything

2018-11-28 14:27:18 UTC  

or the time period

2018-11-28 14:27:20 UTC  

We will have a race free movie

2018-11-28 14:27:22 UTC  

fucking go for it

2018-11-28 14:27:26 UTC  

but thats not what they do

2018-11-28 14:27:49 UTC  

People reinterpret Shakespeare all the time- changing up the time period, the area it occurs in etc, and they change everything to do that

2018-11-28 14:27:50 UTC  

I dunno have you seen the black cindrela movie yet?

2018-11-28 14:28:08 UTC  

@LEER lets... do american history X and switch the races

2018-11-28 14:28:23 UTC  

has it changed the time period or region? I bet it hasn't

2018-11-28 14:28:44 UTC  

for some stupid reason if it's an all white movie its racist (Lotr, Game of Thrones, etc...), ... yet, if it's an all black film its considered empowering -- double standards -- and no logical thinking

2018-11-28 14:28:47 UTC  

inb4 but you havent seen it
pattern recognition is a skill you should have

2018-11-28 14:29:49 UTC  

@Beemann Look friend, when I judge a movie, I watch it and then say what was bad about it.
I don't know how you do it.

2018-11-28 14:29:54 UTC  

the new trend is to take a role that would otherwise be a white actor or actress and cast someone black or asian who looks nothing like the character from the source material

2018-11-28 14:30:29 UTC  

@Coochie coo LOTR was racist not because it was "all white", it was because the imaginary races were not equal

2018-11-28 14:30:35 UTC  

beyond retarded

2018-11-28 14:30:37 UTC  

See I have this skill
If I see people go to restaurants and get served plates of shit, I dont go to that restaurant. I dont need to taste the shit. I guess that's a superpower

2018-11-28 14:31:19 UTC  

Hollywood is losing money hand over fist for a reason

2018-11-28 14:31:21 UTC  

@LEER they want to brainwash people into thinking that all white countries have always been multi racial, and that diversity has always been a thing, and if only white people werent so racist, things would work out.
They want white people gone, they want em dead, their countries destroyed, their culture destroyed... and they think its funny.

2018-11-28 14:31:36 UTC  

it's not because they make good movies lol

2018-11-28 14:31:37 UTC  

Ay dios mio @Grenade123

2018-11-28 14:31:40 UTC  

But you also not complain about the plates of shit that you neither ordered or received? @Beemann

2018-11-28 14:32:00 UTC  

may I ask how old you are? @LEER

2018-11-28 14:32:28 UTC  

basically apparently entirely different fictional species not being the same == different subtypes of the same species are different.

2018-11-28 14:32:30 UTC  

Why would I not point out that it's shit?

2018-11-28 14:32:37 UTC  

Some people havent been to the restaurant

2018-11-28 14:32:51 UTC  

they might not know they'll get served a giant steaming turd

2018-11-28 14:32:53 UTC  

it would be like the left saying a movie is racist because monkey's are not the same as humans and treated equally.

2018-11-28 14:32:54 UTC  

You havent either

2018-11-28 14:33:03 UTC  


2018-11-28 14:33:05 UTC  

right, but I can see it's shit

2018-11-28 14:33:15 UTC  

Are you advising people to go to shit restaurants?