Message from @angeryer

Discord ID: 517792459460182016

2018-11-29 19:55:17 UTC  

yeah I would never guess he was trans either - but as soon as he sung along to lady gaga, thats a red flag for me lol

2018-11-29 19:57:21 UTC  

I sing to lady gaga

2018-11-29 19:57:39 UTC  

I am biologically male

2018-11-29 19:57:54 UTC  

What's wrong with singing?

2018-11-29 19:59:20 UTC  

Well that's an easy way to come out as gay/trans. So, keep on singing!

2018-11-29 19:59:31 UTC  

I'm bisexual

2018-11-29 19:59:40 UTC  

so you sing, but you sing badly.

2018-11-29 20:00:06 UTC  

How do you know that?

2018-11-29 20:00:19 UTC  

I could have a wonderful voice

2018-11-29 20:00:23 UTC  

Duh, you just said it yourself. 😛

2018-11-29 20:00:40 UTC  

No I didnt

2018-11-29 20:00:47 UTC  

>I'm bisexual

2018-11-29 20:01:02 UTC  

That means i would do guys

2018-11-29 20:01:03 UTC  

We're all a little gay

2018-11-29 20:01:15 UTC  

No, only chicks

2018-11-29 20:01:26 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:01:30 UTC  

Chicks are mostly bi

2018-11-29 20:02:01 UTC  

I have a guy I could fuck today if I wanted

2018-11-29 20:02:16 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:02:22 UTC  

I have sexy singles in my local area

2018-11-29 20:02:36 UTC  

I wish I had that

2018-11-29 20:02:37 UTC  

these are excel-lent jokes XD

2018-11-29 20:02:51 UTC  

These are probably not funny

2018-11-29 20:03:23 UTC  

depends on if you like microsoft excel

2018-11-29 20:04:39 UTC  

Let me put it this way: when i realize that I need to use it, i go like `fuck my life`

2018-11-29 20:04:42 UTC  

@angeryer all the single people in my area want open relationships

2018-11-29 20:05:40 UTC

2018-11-29 20:05:43 UTC  

🤔 🤔 🤔

2018-11-29 20:06:16 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:06:18 UTC  

<:TimThink:482277772497125378> <- Proof Tim is a Nazi

2018-11-29 20:06:25 UTC  

are they serious?

2018-11-29 20:06:36 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:06:38 UTC  

Any coherent thought should be considered *hate speech*

2018-11-29 20:06:48 UTC  

are you really bi @Cody

2018-11-29 20:06:53 UTC  

wouldn't it just be a hate thought at that point?

2018-11-29 20:07:05 UTC  

Look at the ADL's number sections and it's every other number is considered hateful

2018-11-29 20:07:07 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:07:12 UTC  


2018-11-29 20:07:23 UTC  

would have never guessed

2018-11-29 20:07:26 UTC  

no, as you know, hate thoughts are even worse than hate speech