Message from @ExceptionalFeather

Discord ID: 518859941109301321

2018-12-02 18:35:51 UTC  

we'll never give commiefornia the whole west coast

2018-12-02 18:37:14 UTC  

only issue then is their either cut off from the Canadian border or the Mexican border

2018-12-02 18:37:45 UTC  

The reason anti-semitism is on the rise

2018-12-02 18:37:51 UTC  

Is because jews are white.

2018-12-02 18:38:11 UTC  

And SJWs take issue with this whole... dodging their avalanche through loopholes thing.

2018-12-02 18:40:00 UTC  

Eh, I think Oklahoma is demographically much closer to Kansas than Texas.

2018-12-02 18:40:09 UTC  

Well yeah

2018-12-02 18:40:33 UTC  

the third reich wouldve been perfectly moral if we apply social justice as our framework

2018-12-02 18:40:51 UTC  

First of, the opressed can never be the opressor. And the aryans are historicly opressed by the romans

2018-12-02 18:41:00 UTC  

Something like this would be how I would redivide the republics.

2018-12-02 18:41:18 UTC  

And then they decided to fight against jewish privilege

2018-12-02 18:41:51 UTC  

I think Dvir is on to something

2018-12-02 18:42:01 UTC  

thats probably the best breakup i've seen

2018-12-02 18:42:40 UTC  

I wouldn't divide it so evenly state by state, I would like to try to redivide it based on more natural barriers.

2018-12-02 18:43:02 UTC  

I was also considering redrawing state lines

2018-12-02 18:43:05 UTC  

Yeah only Nevada deserves California.

2018-12-02 18:43:25 UTC  

I think you should measure the actual demographics of each state/region to determine how they would cluster.

2018-12-02 18:43:36 UTC  

Yeah, I don't want to give them all of it, I think northern Nevada and California could go to Cascadia

2018-12-02 18:43:57 UTC  

To think California used to be cool.

2018-12-02 18:44:04 UTC  

For instance I like how Laurentia (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin) is divided in the south based on the Ohio river.

2018-12-02 18:44:09 UTC  

Also have to consider though that just because California politics are grim now, does not mean it will be that way forever

2018-12-02 18:44:32 UTC  

Move idaho to be with montana/wyoming

2018-12-02 18:45:00 UTC  

It's so grim that it would take a complete meltdown of the Cali state government to reset its politics.

2018-12-02 18:45:02 UTC  

If you are making these replace states as well

2018-12-02 18:45:20 UTC  

Most of the land in California probably does not want to be California

2018-12-02 18:45:35 UTC  

Mainly Northern California

2018-12-02 18:45:39 UTC  

California used to be a red state

2018-12-02 18:45:59 UTC  

It was a red state until Reagan's '86 amnesty.

2018-12-02 18:46:21 UTC  

A lot of California is still red, just washed out by the majority

2018-12-02 18:46:30 UTC  

I can tell you your about to see a massive shift in illinois over the next few years

2018-12-02 18:46:39 UTC  

meh i bet if they had legitimate elections it'd be different

2018-12-02 18:46:53 UTC  

kinda think the Ds came to power an rigged everything in their favor to never lose power again

2018-12-02 18:47:18 UTC  

The current condition of California is the best argument you can give for the Electoral College.

2018-12-02 18:47:29 UTC  

for real lol

2018-12-02 18:47:34 UTC  

Besides maybe gerrymandering I do not see how it might be illegitimate

2018-12-02 18:47:46 UTC  

orange county lol

2018-12-02 18:47:58 UTC  

Comes to chat about how us gonna be split into many countries in a country

2018-12-02 18:48:03 UTC  

u see the vote totals for that.. house votes like half a million more than other races

2018-12-02 18:48:07 UTC  

Regressive thinking op

2018-12-02 18:49:13 UTC  

May thinking of why U.S. should be split is that the constitution was designed for this

2018-12-02 18:49:16 UTC  

Its really not lol at this point the divide is so large its either a breakup of sorts or war