Message from @ThaOGKB
Discord ID: 684272140538740744
Made up
They only way we can have a secure channel is more thorough vetting and banning people who we think are a breach to security
No offense y’all it’s all love. I just don’t want us all tried together if shit rolls down hill.
reminder that i fucking love all of you and to stay KINGS
Why a king, when you can be a poyote smoking berserker warrior
Take those of us who are serious and fearless to the side. Let the rest be disctactions
I’d just like to say you are all absolutely mad lads and I love it. Seems to be quite a few admins of pages I follow in here so I feel a bit star struck
I hope some of my memes go viral
@MetalViking whatcha got?!
Alot NatSoc and Fascists are joining the boog movement.
I'm inside a group and brought it up and the only reply I got was BIG SIEGE.
And everyone else agreed.
When the boog kicks off these guys will start a mini race war or at least that's their plan.
Civil war part 2 in the media apparently
Naw, from what you said
Most are sperg theyll do what they always do
Media will look at the Nazis and cry race war even if it's a extremely minor faction at play and not the primary
Either yeet alone or in a group of 3 and be yeeted.
Or get caught by soupi boys actually doing their jobs
>posting face
>having a punisher patch
It's not the only patch
I got 2 others
>its not the only patch
Oh no
What're the others
>Greentext dont work here
Doesnt have to, yall know what it is
Lol tru
>flag is the wrong way
Can reverses