Message from @Sigurd88
Discord ID: 304709333415886859
@everyone 😢
***A N T A R C T I C A***
@Rose lovely hitler video
I watched it
Great shit
tfw fuhrer bday
>be hitler
>fight for preservation of your race and culture
>rescue oppressed ethnic Germans from foreign occupation
>whole world kiked into hating you
>offer peace several times
>kikes to gud, everyone refuses peace
>screw them all WW2 IS ON BITCHES
>fucking slay ass even though Italy is a literal asswipe militarily and russia betrayed you
>assfuck france without any effort
>hold out for years as you purify and restore your homeland
>develop machines and technology decades ahead of their time and apply them effectively in combat
>lose war, retreat to antarctic/moon bases
>kike-controlled media makes you out to be worse than satan
>lose faith in humanity
>watch your people oppressed by kikes for almost a century
>almost kys from grief
>FINALLY get an internet connection in antarctica stronghold
>browse for a while, stumble across a little friendly place known as /pol/
>realize that there are thousands of people who know you did nothing wrong
>heart revives as hopes for a fourth reich are rekindled
>read a little more
>discover your only supporters are autistic neckbeard NEET weeb faggots with no life who live in parents' basements
>finally break out that box of fresh rope
Found this baby picture of hitler...
all in the mustache
Mein führer #HappyBirthdayUncle @everyone
i love 4/20
OC gift to hitler
overclock hitler
Yeah I saw that
Nice work @NiggerLyncher
thanks fam
stayed up until 530 am