DaBears (Fritz_)
Discord ID: 277324561782145026
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Found this baby picture of hitler...
the comparison of his handsomness is unreal
GDI children... Your gunna go start a genoside till ya finish ya chicken tendies.
You guys are giving me dickbutts with this pony cancer
So your saying he's the only one posting the furfar post... i dought that
stop oppressing our pubic autist... he's just closer to kek
You guys need to take Moonshine with ya drugs it hits hard and fast and slowly fades
Thats a sex Weeb hitler ya got there...
i just use utorrent works for what i need
Its !!:!! my time woot woot time to take another massive amount of alchohol with my shit ๐
GDI jewanon stop trying to steal my money realy quick! REEEEEEEEEE
So who wnts me to drop the Shadilay!
he makes a coat of dickskins
So hitler was just following jewish law...
He did have jewish parents
does this count as a wojac? or white supremecist pepe?
If you drink choco milk does that mean your a skitskin?
2 min left of hitler bday
i live on the EST/CST border so i can time travel you plebs!
You wouldn't say that if i let you meet hitler! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Wait... MLP is Marine Le Pen
this reseach is facinating...
the kek is awakening again.... we may have a class 69 meme event on our hands
dmn son... where ya find this
froliocing is for *spits* snowflakes
based on my research your all shitposting assholes besides renaar whos a pony fucker
This digeneracy makes me happy
@NiggerLyncher thank you imgflip
your dont understand renaar you can never leave
kekistan has impenetrable walls made with meme magic there is no exscape
KEK that hitler house is gold
My work here is done...
welp that was the point... i could never remove you XD
what ya mean by that?
l8tr ya shitlords
shadilay indeed XD
tfw you try and watch a dank movie on satalite tv but it storming outside
so you start shitposting instead
Sigurd You stole my rare hitler REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
is ok i got this limited edition magik kek pepe
@Renaar Furfag
Are you me from the past / future i time travel IDK anymore
Shall we have an election of shitposts
I thought only trump could be fuhrer
I think Im a god damn american so no....
tooo many sjw's in my counrty
its ok but trump still needs a bigger wall
can we put all the jews in a fenced off area?
those are the legit graphics XD
Why would i wanna see dickskins out of my window when i could see a giant wall saying SHAI LE BOUF STAY OUT
Ahahaha that beautifull
Anyone wanna be hiltler's lil bitch for the night?
Based on my research drugs, boze, and pepes all have the same effect on the brain... Euphoria
that said you al should take more
those modern art pepes are no match for my C'thulu pepe
Here we see a Meth addict trying to start a movement that is easily foled by a frog
noice top kek
Bloody hell ya bint just go eat some crumpets ya daft bugger
XD the thing is im a dmn american with scotch blood
when my parent said i was german all my life
FML right
We need a christain superiority thread
Rose your a dirty futa!
why not just turn it into a deathstar without the stupid BS exaust post
I found the 1st Legendary Master of the REEEE! Meet the 69 degree REEEE Belt JIm Carrey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MZHvfpqxfM
noice... seramatic i love patriotism
so did pol ever find shias cabbin in the woods?
so did pol ever find shias cabbin in the woods?
Go fuck yourselves fam... Im done lurkin in the discord chat for tonite.
My the glory of KEK be with you and your memes be dank
My the glory of KEK be with you and your memes be dank
I gotta shot on MLP's top contender... I'm gunna take the shot.
XD them sey nips
There's no dictator of canada yet... RABLE RABLE RABLE RABLE!
We need a rare trump thread even he collects teh memes
Dude KEK is real and he gave kid in the blue shirt i this video a vision of his true form. #LilKekist
*the kid
Welp i know keksson watched my the vid
Welp i know keksson watched my the vid
When she makes france into French America ...
welp my uploads are failing wth xd
in trumps wall
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