Doctor Chang
Discord ID: 300258113867612160
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@ ragnar
didnt that hairy snatch admit she had brass knuckles or smthg
what a pity, started as a nice girl and became a hairy porn snatchfuck
and a liberal
the left is fukt in the mind , their mind is broken
i used to live in the uk just untill 2000, it was good back then , how fast time passes its like only 3-4 years went by
yeah im not english but i know what you mean its all gone to hell
im from greece, sick of liar polititions and with the golden dawn thrown in jail ppl here voted for a 5% left party that made it to govt. and regret it ever since ~what ever the left lays its hand upon it tries to contaminate and even hardcore values , meanwhile EU is assert cutthroat control you do as we say you get your central eu funding cut
Gordon its the Kalergi coudenhove plan , EU must die its over
bye Gordons
orenstix is the 'Argie fag' wanted by pol
he comes overr and opens threads about cuckoldry WTF i feel sad for humanity fallen so much
enemy analysis
if u keep it simpl i will tell u
hey watsap folks
was that a monk
Dwsignated loo thats good satf
sorry caps
wer wer
OH Kekleesi of Kekistan, so right but so wrong , here the future
i message rose and told it its a dushbag
its dushbag ithout itsalady
i told someone on /pol/ that DJT tomahawked a innocent airbase and he said it was a dindu airbase lelelel
dindu huhuhi
ancient correct ideologic bearings since antiquity
call the party van on'em domestic terrorists
wat smile ... make mama proud
folx do you like 'conservative' as a label. or prefer 'identitarian'
yes yes but its a false positive, not identatirian, identityt politix , thats a jew ploy and a left appendage , i mean like um traditionalist-identitarian\
sorry i hyphenated but im trying explain a difficulty
ina 'other class' . 'like the rest'
i kno
mmm yes
nationality ovber ethnicity
theres is no 'white race' as perceived, im from europe and there are ~40 different 'race' are all whitish but adamant to be totally different
sorry cant watch right now
k, take it easy
instahit !
is not 'right' as described , we must find ~"higher doctorates" to describe what we are
well there exists a continuum with two extremes .... one side normal ------ other side leftist
yes yes but , consider rightleft a videogame , you are born in x country , you are woman (not man or tranny ) you are young, not old ... these are not ' rightwing concepts' ARE THE REALITY
if you understand what im trying say
lmao is this katana guy
yes yes === i study the left and discover incredible stuff
you see the left is a puppet for hard core communist party political plan
communism means , yes , im still pretend lefty im in MAT collect info for /pol/ yes are misguided think its 'ideology' dont understands its a camouflage military takeover
yes i mean that the ppl behind left modus operandi dont think in 'social terms' are cynical military strategists with a public affairs plan to enchant the public
yes also after a 'new order has begun' its much easier to say ytou are of 'old order ' kill him guis, to the firing squad
yes , from 'light socialism ' came the FIRING SQUAD pliss have you seen thge yuri Bezmenov videos ?
OHHHhohohohi Yuri Bezmenov is KGB press officer and went to US in 1985 and explains E V E R Y TH I N G
his highlite : NEVER BOTHER WITH LEFTISTS , come the revolution, THEY WILL BE SHOT FIRST imagine what KGB opinion is of young revolutionaries
1 sec i get link YOU MAST
yes its called 'usewful idiot, KGB specifically says after a communist revolution first enemy is leftist, 1 because think it will rule, 2 understands leftism , 3 is no longer useful, just a nuisance to the the hardcores comiung up who are red stalins ( no excuses, firing squad ) 1 sec i get link
I BEG you please watch , its 80 minuits
this is KGB Diplomat (unofficial ) and press disinformation officer (Official buisness)
thank you thank you
i watch yuri 2-3 per weeks its so important
also on level 2 (final level is this vid below 6 min ) ITS ALL TRUE even if made by juice ...... i will watch your vid now
long deception central commitee plan, no longer valid because KGB found christianity in russia toio be stronger than revided communism, but the oplan is the plan
please maximum redpill you , wit this data the more know the more understand , the more teach to innocents
brb in 10 mins watch your vid
hummahumm hugo newman dont be telling no old lies is he, its annoying how accurate this lecture is
feck 4chan is compromised and with proofs, they banned me for asking to mailbomb alex jone
so i said sowwy didnt know we cant wage war and raids from here can i have my cheseburger back ^^ ? and %B for 2 weeks
some fag went on 4chan couple days ago and say we are anonymous we will teach you bigots and hitlers and altr, we are anonymous, implying anons should now be left
ya i told him leftanon WE are anonymous not you, get the hell out
ate the ministry
chelsey is so cockslap
is fake blonde
top kex
is that a gold coin i see in there ?
start oven .... 'where did you go... where did you go"
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