Message from @Darjeeling
Discord ID: 303940660959117313
But looking cool is irrelevant if the gear is not effective.
Once you have more money, you can get more effective tacticool stuff
But for now, you have to settle
>opens bathroom cinderblock
best eye wear
>Hi, would like like to know about the organization known as Anticom
Hi, top CNN expert here, I am hoping to know who you are!
Also for later on, I'm working on a gear list to helppeople get started
Might wanna check this out after today's shitstorm
I fucking hate normies dude!
"I've been reading up on this guy's views. I don't think I can support him."
Which guy? Dicky?
Yeah, the dude who offered me a ride just pussied out
I'm trying to frame it as a free speech issue, don't know if it'll work though
I don't think any are running
At least none that would get me back in time for my classes tomorrow
Why couldn't spencer do this on a fucking Friday, god damn it
Are there any mods that can take me through the vetting process at this time?
>marching band and explosions
Straight out of the 17 and 1800s
"git that fukkin cuck"
Your referral link is:
I've been using this to get satoshi and I need referrals
For the low low price of 5 bit coins
3 minutes in and a Pastel Bloc hamplanet comes into the video
It's fucking disgusting Jesus Christ