Message from @Bojan
Discord ID: 303948336786833408
I fucking hate normies dude!
"I've been reading up on this guy's views. I don't think I can support him."
Which guy? Dicky?
Yeah, the dude who offered me a ride just pussied out
I'm trying to frame it as a free speech issue, don't know if it'll work though
Think you can catch a bus?
I don't think any are running
At least none that would get me back in time for my classes tomorrow
Why couldn't spencer do this on a fucking Friday, god damn it
Are there any mods that can take me through the vetting process at this time?
>marching band and explosions
Straight out of the 17 and 1800s
"git that fukkin cuck"
Your referral link is:
I've been using this to get satoshi and I need referrals
For the low low price of 5 bit coins
3 minutes in and a Pastel Bloc hamplanet comes into the video
It's fucking disgusting Jesus Christ
Going to Auburn, Stalker?
What time does it start
Im in Jacksonville
It'd be pretty funny seeing a dude straight out of The Zone fighting Antifa
make sure you keep away from Alabama anomalies.
@Darjeeling yee
They suck you in and turn you obese
That's no way to talk about the residents of Alabama @schiggy