Message from @Spacsea
Discord ID: 307349186125496320
>20 hours
@NiggerLyncher Take some of your drugs and trip out while listening to that
I played that in a live stream
Was in a call with a guy
Me and another NatSoc guy were on with him and wanted to fuck with his stream
So he played mein kapmf in the background
5 hours of it
That's awesome
I bet you were enlightened by it
im so high
Speedy thing goes in
Speedy thing comes out
my boy Adolf was a fucking wordsmith though
anyone read mein kampf?
I did
thinking of adding it to my reading list
after i get done with evola
I strongly recommend it, it is a journey into genius
make sure u get the version
translated by SS officer
i've had 3 people tell me it's unitelligible garbage.
i forgot the name