Message from @swiggity
Discord ID: 692666593653686322
Foot shape is a massively underrated in intel thats true, in all reality its all behind what comforms to that specific person my friend has had interceptors for 5 years now and his lasted him through fire academy training and casual work and i mean hell if it works then price shouldnt matter
hear hear to that
what do y'all use to stretch
Im lucky enough to be pretty limber so leg streatches are just hands on stuff but rubber bands for upper body and you can also utilize them with chest work outs as well i havent figured anything out for my back yet
Fit Goal: To be in good condition for the boog without my joints shutting down
I don't have specific numbers because #1 I don't have access to a gym anymore and #2 Standard weightlifting numbers have little bearing on overall cardiovascular and combat fitness
word, so you want more of a callisthenic routine
ez pz
you got a pull-up bar?
And two 35lb dumbbells, I'm picking up a kettlebell today
oh word
i'll work all that in aswell
just give me a bit i', working from home today and making a report
when i'm done with that i'll make you a routine
Preciate it
np king
Get it king
Yesterday did 6 rounds of tractor tire flips, 5 wide grip pull ups, 15 close hand push up and 25 m lunges and 6x 100m sprints.
Haven’t done much sprinting or running in a bit, felt good to get back at it
I’m missing my weights though.
that's the one I have and it works great
Physics post
always trying man
It aint wrong when its the homies
😆 😆 lmao stoppp
see tho im aiming for arms like that and @thedarkness05
I am large man