Message from @насильственное убийство
Discord ID: 694369039706751016
Once I finish the cut gonna do a big clean bulk
Its cool bro, glad you're making progress.
There Was a time when I was tipping the scales at 290 too. But you'll get to where you want if you keep at it
I'm currently 228
Last time I weight myself (few days ago) I was down to 214, but I'm still working on it.. I wanna lose all my fat and get muscle.... I wanna be a legit battle midget
I'm sitting at 157 at 5'5"
I'm 6'3" 228
Healthy weight just a small beer starting
My height is a big factor tbh... I'm 4ft 8in tall, so that's A LOT of weight that I have lost considering
Oh damn son
Holy damn
Thought my mom was short at 4'10
Still. I Ain giving up yet.
I'm gonna be a legit Gøøn one day
I'm gonna be pure hate and muscle
If you don't garden or forage, I suggest trying that. Sooooo much better than buying whole foods
i live in AZ bro, there's nothing to forage, but PLENTY to hunt
Gardening is relaxing af though. Grandpa taught me a lot. It's neat af
Dandelion and thistle tea (both wild) actually takes off loads of your BMI
Thistle tea eh? I'll look into that
I heard of dandelion, just bot in tea form. I'll legit pick some
Short story for y'all. After I left homelessness into actual literal slavery (held 2 full time jobs which I didn't get money for) my boss/master couldn't keep up on the bills so we had no power, couldn't buy iced tea like Lipton. So alot of our food came from what I could forage or farmed and what he shot. I went from 180 to 140 in a couple months. Held it for 2 years and after I left the "plantation" with my current wife I met while a slave, I picked up 10-15 lbs and held it since 2016
There's nothing that gets me harder than the fedbois realizing the boog bois are bigger and sexier than them
Towering over them
Breeding their wives
@MetalViking I feel rhis ine bro.... The homelessness.... Although I've never done the slave thing. I will say hiw fucked up that kinda life is since my grandma and grandpa legit lived that
@Bard it do be like that. Mostly because fitness goes out the window after the first 3 years on the job
@насильственное убийство homeless taught me so much in such a short time more than I ever learned in the years before I went homeless
@MetalViking Agreed man. Fuckin agreed. Survival is a bitch
Outtrain the fedbois or get yeeted by them
Pick up those ammo cans and get to work
@насильственное убийство dumpster diving is an overlooked god send
I used to be a swole motherfuckin machine. Then I got domesticated. Now I need some motivations...
@MetalViking Fuck yeah man. Butcher used to wrap the bones inna bags and throw them out. I learned so much about how to cook, make bone broth and marrow
If there is one thing that saved me, and a food I will never abandon, is marrow
So I got fat when I got out the Army. I had just got a membership in December to start hitting the gym and getting in shape. The gyms shut down and school went to all online. I've gotten creative because I have no workout equipment. Squats with plate carriers, lifting full ammo cans, and I just did curls with a transmission lol