Message from @CelticCastaway
Discord ID: 693580580767662130
I get why people are bitter against current military members. I’ve been in a class for the last few weeks for army shit, and all I hear is enforcing national gun registry and shit like that
I got some guys yelling at me when I said errbody including freed felons deserve to own firearms.
One dip shit stormed out of class when I said I guess I value freedom more than him
Fucking pooosaaays
Damn I wish I was in class with you We could’ve pointed and laughed At him fucking tool
Bitches were getting heated. It was HILARIOUS
The instructors were fucking ragging hard on him.
@alwayskeepright this is the way
This is the way
I live in military's sad many sheep
But but but the laws say you can’t do that. FUCK THE LAWS
I’m so ready to leave this shit hole of fort Bragg and get home
@alwayskeepright lol
The sheep have cancelled me and the much gone so fast 💨
Sorry to hear that
Take the time to better yourself and your skills
Butter is fun to make bruh don't lie
I'm jerking off with a jar. It's not that fun
You are a big gae, you don't have dedicated equipment for making butter?
Hell no
Get some, them you need only crank
Its not really a needed piece of equipment unless I plan on doing this regularly
Wayment don't plan on doing it regularly? Man am I the only farm boi here?
I go to the farms for this shit
I m farm but we dont make butter, and its only a farm legally, honestly its more of an estate. And the manager is from cali so I work 8/hr day 5/7. (Its really dumb as shit. The place looks like trash and we need more employees)
Unless im just wanting to outright buy it, labor for product on the weekends
Use a mixer
Super duper easy
Just let it run for 10 min
My problem is we have sufficient reason to boog, but no boog. What gives?
General masses have been conditioned to be reactionary and not proactive
If we go now then we will be condemned by the masses
We cannot make the first move
Else the movement is doomed to failure
We need support and compassion. With so many new gun owners we may turn the tide.