Message from @Bodark Actual

Discord ID: 681740552051753086

2020-02-25 00:27:34 UTC

2020-02-25 00:46:00 UTC

2020-02-25 00:53:22 UTC  
2020-02-25 00:53:39 UTC  

Thanks pa

2020-02-25 01:37:50 UTC

2020-02-25 02:13:14 UTC  

Just saw squids video. Where do I sent feet pics

2020-02-25 02:41:10 UTC  

What vid

Are there any racist peeps here?

Please pm me.... I need good jokes

2020-02-25 04:58:01 UTC  

get that shit the fuck outta here you smoothbrain

2020-02-25 05:09:05 UTC  

Oh come the fuck on racist jokes are fucking hilarious

2020-02-25 05:09:46 UTC  

Just because you laugh your ass off at them does not mean someone is a lesser human because they have a different skin color or ethnicity

2020-02-25 05:16:12 UTC  

If you dont like Dave Chappelle, or Richard Pryor then you cant not fully enjoy the human experience.

2020-02-25 05:18:06 UTC  

I enjoy them. Its that far too often a lot of the arm chair warriors here are truly fucking top tier pieces of shit. You divert people from the cause by grasping onto whatever dumb ass ethinic moralities your poppa beat into you.

2020-02-25 05:19:57 UTC  

You gotta chill dude. Most people are fine and just for it for the jokes. Some people are racist, but you aint gonna change them by comming at them aggressive. Be like Daryl Davis if you wanna change stuff

2020-02-25 05:21:18 UTC  

I;m sorry kings im just fucking heated from burdens of life getting to me too much

2020-02-25 05:22:23 UTC  

I know my dude, it just seems like a constant issue for you. You can only control yourself, but you should come at them from your point and try to explain your viewpoint

2020-02-25 05:45:29 UTC  

guys I'm fucking sorry I flew off the handle like that. I'm under a lot of pressure and I apologize for being a asshole

2020-02-25 05:52:50 UTC  

Little humor to lighten the mood

2020-02-25 05:53:33 UTC  

@Thomatorr, King of Ohio bruh you're cool.

The key to dealing with that shit is to accept that it's not about you, that you're going to be above it, and move on. You have your opinion, you're welcome to express it, but so are others and having that mental toughness to disregard things that really bother you is an important skill, especially in a server like this where free speech is really upheld.

I'm pretty progressive on race issues too, used to rent a room in my house to a black dude and I was basically his family when his abandoned him. That said, while I won't make racist jokes or whatever, I also recognize that my sensitivities are unique and I'm not going to impose that on others unless they sort of extend themselves past what would be considered commonly decent.

2020-02-25 06:17:24 UTC

2020-02-25 06:31:28 UTC

2020-02-25 06:43:10 UTC

2020-02-25 06:46:24 UTC

2020-02-25 06:51:07 UTC  

Squinty and probably eats bats. Cannot be trusted

2020-02-25 06:51:43 UTC  

Fellow goons, question for you. In the hypothetical scenario where you perish during the construction of cold architecture as a meme-based insurgent: what would your last words be if you knew they would be heard/passed down to other goons, feds, and the general public? Memes? Inspirational? Quotes?

2020-02-25 07:05:37 UTC  


2020-02-25 07:06:37 UTC  

@SchadraquetorUpon God's alter I bestow myself in place of worldly wonders to seek liberty and freedom to extrapolate my free will of family, soul, body, culture, and will to live my life in accordance with God's plan for the heavens. Subjugation prevents me from making mistakes upon which lessons are learned and man is unable to breath the rewards of accomplishment. I hold this moral authority of the universe to be the ultimate expression of my life as the defining moments of creation.- CM

2020-02-25 07:15:39 UTC  

> Fellow goons, question for you. In the hypothetical scenario where you perish during the construction of cold architecture as a meme-based insurgent: what would your last words be if you knew they would be heard/passed down to other goons, feds, and the general public? Memes? Inspirational? Quotes?

Ideally? Last words.

"Go, when there is peace, then you can mourn me. But our fight isn't over. When I cross to the golden halls of the Aesir, I will ask to return beside you. I will guide your bullets and blades while you fight for freedom. We will meet again brothers. I will prepare you a place in Valhalla."

2020-02-25 07:15:50 UTC  

If it's too our brothers.

2020-02-25 07:16:30 UTC  

If it's to the feds:

"Y'all couldn't even kill me right so I gotta sit here monologing and bleeding it. Useless cunts."

2020-02-25 10:32:53 UTC  

I guess y'all niggas ain't wanna get on and talk tonight

2020-02-25 10:34:36 UTC  

I didn't know anyone was up rn

2020-02-25 10:43:42 UTC  

Real nigga hours

2020-02-25 11:33:54 UTC  


2020-02-25 12:21:36 UTC

2020-02-25 13:07:19 UTC  

For my last words I'm going to try to get through as much of the Navy seal copypasta as I can

2020-02-25 13:08:51 UTC