Message from @Director Dicknuts
Discord ID: 688446337330577412
Not even a toe pic or dick pic to greet your fellow kings
I want to know
Let's just leave it at there's a reason we have trench diggers
Wait im a trench digger
What defines me as a trench digger @Director Dicknuts
Am I a trog
Your ability to bury dead feds
You are the ox of this operation
Strong and brave!
404: etool is broken
Sodomize the soup before you sodomize the Geneva convention
***Why not both... __AT THE SAME TIME!?__***
Ross approves of this pine fatwa
Guys, a PSA:
"6 letter word for people who annoy you"
He *fears* the *I*
It's just a gamer word
*I* see what you did there
Imagine being an urbanite right now
Fuck yeah i won
One does not simply learn the ways of the Gamer over night
I was gonna say ni~~ggers~~
It is a slow spiraling descent into Gamerdom
@thedarkness05 You got a problem with new kings?
It takes years of illuminati research to understand the star of David and his nefarious ways
And a hundred viewings of The Joker (2019)
@Fe4r_incarnate nah, but I got a problem with feds n lurkers
I watched that lastnight
What they gon' do? Shoot me in my sleep?
It was ok
New kings are dangerous to the natural order
If they dont show feet or booty hole they aint welcome
You dropped this 👑