Message from @bah
Discord ID: 693468135952613446
Get yer 5 rounders ready @thedarkness05 its happening
Or 10 rounders
Whatevery they allow you to have so you wont be a credible threat to the state
Is it actually happening right now?
@AKAlexei it happrned last night around midnight. Watched a livestream
@Ramrod1992 pssh, y'all wildin if you think I aing got the classic freedom dispensers
I was about to share that too
I love that. Most bronx shit ever
One of my sgts in the army was from the bronx. Anthony Roszko. Hes a fucking war hero and savage as hell. Silver star with valor, multiple broze stars with valor, 8 purple hearts. If everyone in the bronx is like him NY is gonna be hardmode
It do be like that
Also whats good FrEDdy?
>bannerlord comes out in 2 days
>still dont have enough money
@bah god this hits me hard
Y'all.know who runs uprise armory or at least the shipping part of it?
@bah I was telling people about it inna but I was the only one excited.
@Radmin idk but I hope I get my luau hoodie before the luau. Lol.
@bigdoubleyou I ordered a gift for the wife about a month ago now and still haven't gotten an update on it
Was hoping someone knew
Good morning
@Radmin I know their marketing guy
I'm just looking for an ETA on the order
Figured I'd see if I could find whoever ran it before sending an email
1 sec
You should probably just email them he doesn’t apparently do much with the shipping
Also good morning kings
Y’all have experience with dpms
Meme tier trash
Hot garbage but better than absolutely nothing I guess
@FloridaManBoohajideen sounds good thank you
Dpms aint bad