Message from @Hernán Cortés
Discord ID: 281605122201747467
Read your messages again.
You all sound like a bunch of shills trying to out-shill one another.
@Verm u voiced me
I'm no shill
Finished Playing **Alex Jones debunks Hillary and the Pickle Jar** by **Nick Dragon** (*466* views) [1 Minute and 0 Second]
It's a manner of speech, my dude.
@Extra Crispy, Disconnecting from voice chat and unbinding from text chat.
I know, but modern civilization aint all great
plenty of bad things too
sodomite tolerance
but also
@Nonon Jakuzure Yeah, we peaked about 60 years ago.
Overall tolerance
those bumpkins didnt achieve anything
their ancestors did
and they threw away any chance to meet that legacy
bc they love football n beer
white societies are self destructive now
we can fix it
ww1 and ww2 were the death of the west
cain and able went out into the field
and cain struck able
could have been ok if patton kept going to moscow
I think the gold rush and late 19th century generations were the best American people