Message from @Verm
Discord ID: 281601955535650818
please stop this asinine /b/ shit
@YWMaga You're being kind of a faggot, dude
/b/ has the greatest of posts
damn my reputation
o noooooo
Mostly just nude stuff
@Lord Efo using b
@Extra Crispy, Binding to **Wolf's Lair** and **general**
@Extra Crispy, Bound successfully use /destroy to unbind it.
Enqueued **Alex Jones debunks Hillary and the Pickle Jar** by **Nick Dragon** (*466* views) [1 Minute and 0 Second] currently 0
Playing **Alex Jones debunks Hillary and the Pickle Jar** by **Nick Dragon** (*466* views) [1 Minute and 0 Second]
I used it like twice
Thats all i found
It's fine I go to shitpost on occasion
Read your messages again.
@Verm u voiced me
I'm no shill
Finished Playing **Alex Jones debunks Hillary and the Pickle Jar** by **Nick Dragon** (*466* views) [1 Minute and 0 Second]
It's a manner of speech, my dude.
@Extra Crispy, Disconnecting from voice chat and unbinding from text chat.
@Nonon Jakuzure Dude, whites are the progenitors of modern civilization. How stupid are you?
I know, but modern civilization aint all great
plenty of bad things too