Message from @Undead Mockingbird
Discord ID: 543225790473699358
Men are dispensable until something heavy needs to be lifted or something complicated fixed.
Nobody should be dispensable
Not true.
Those hygiene sheets you put on toilet seats should be.
I don't want to reuse them.
That's gross.
well i wont dispose of anyone. Unless they touch me or my property, then broken jaw time. @EndangeredProdigy
Ancapistan wonderland when?
espacialy if the person is female - if its a man i may not be able to defend my property from him, if its a woman, yeah i most likely can defend my property from her @EndangeredProdigy
Just get a gun @Redneo
@EndangeredProdigy cant in germany, i have a hatchet though should i ever have to defend myself at home.
Sucks for you. I'd get out of that hellhole while you can @Redneo
Learn Hungarian.
Or Russian.
Poland seems based.
**Janus#8028** just left the server.
But they still have a shit economy.
Just come to America
well if i move it probably should be to a place with a shit economy. the worse that economy is the more my money is worth. And i can make western money coding @Undead Mockingbird
Come to America @Redneo you'll do great here
Denmark is always touted as the "best" country in Europe. I guess you can afford a lot of social spending if you don't fund a military to protect yourself and you have a 25% sales tax and a 180% tax on automobiles. Yes Denmark is great, if you like being forced to ride a bicycle.
Denmark is too expensive to live in
Denmark looks nice on pictures
i guess
The end
i just want to be left alone
@CasualSailor it also helps that they are completely surrounded by other nations and are completely defended by a global defense pact that they contribute nothing to
if i can get paid in bitcoin and cash it out right away, i guess it's not so bad.
we should all just code
i do it every day
code weird every day
nah, thats harrasment
cant tell people to learn to code anymore unless youre one of the chosen few
only those who are part of the designated propaganda class may preach to the masses
@Misomania It also helps that the are 90% native born with a common culture.
all others are heretics