Message from @Glaice
Discord ID: 543239852335038475
how much of modern art is just a massive long con?
nah dude she needs new enamel on her fake teeth
using it to launder money
That's in the GIF s from the Discord App
Also i see art in videogames so fuck everyone
Basically, if you act like a man would act as an immature toddler, you have all the hallmarks of being a "feisty strong woman".
@Undead Mockingbird really though... the shit image to me is less disturbing then the 'artists' that made it, lol... then again I clean after 3 large dogs on a regular basis and had to do toliet repair work
they make it obvious just to rub it in people's faces
Eating spicy goodness...
also i will raise my childs to despise that form of art
thank you for the eye bleach @Stefan Payne
oh shit its german!!
@Stefan Payne why does she look like she is in the middle of shitting her diaper during that clip?
South Africa Gov't (run by AOC)
Kek it alredy happened
Zimbawe and Congo
Gut, endlich mal was ,dass ich verstehe.
Also Venezuela
Republican's are too stupid to win the identity politics game. Joe Biden, "Øbama is clean an articulate" is likely to be the Dem's nominee. Yet in 1975 he held the same views on school segregationist as the KKK.
That's how what's it called, it's not inflation but another term?
What this vid is supoose to be is to reveal that the word GENDER is a made up word by the commies in the 50's and 60's to dilute the usage science field of biology
Republicans should not play the identity game
nigga what the fuck @EndangeredProdigy
that shit scultpure
@Strufa Actually they should. If you hold Democrats to their own standards they cannot win. Look at Virginia today.