Message from @stedly

Discord ID: 544349194291511296

2019-02-11 02:47:01 UTC  

read that

2019-02-11 02:47:03 UTC  
2019-02-11 02:47:15 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:47:29 UTC  

it wasn't due to "bad planning"

2019-02-11 02:47:30 UTC  

cheers to this debate

2019-02-11 02:47:33 UTC  

it was on fucking purpose

2019-02-11 02:47:48 UTC  

communism is for dummies

2019-02-11 02:47:50 UTC  

@EndangeredProdigy I'm sure Stalin targeted people and killed people but alot of people died because of Communism (starvation, etc)

2019-02-11 02:47:53 UTC  

and it was never 'bad policy' or a 'failure' it was literally manafactured famine in order to control the population via locking down the means of distribution and to centralize the supply in order to control those whom need the product in question (food)

2019-02-11 02:48:00 UTC  

Starving ppl to death would likely be considered cruel and unusual, torture.

2019-02-11 02:48:03 UTC  

What a retarded argument... Are we seriously discussing what is a better way to die?

2019-02-11 02:48:05 UTC  

no they died because Stalin made it so @Kelz

2019-02-11 02:48:20 UTC  

the number that died due to being poor pales in comparison to the intentional starvation

2019-02-11 02:48:41 UTC  

@Misomania Is your argument that Stalin didn't institute true communism?

2019-02-11 02:48:52 UTC  

read the article I posted

2019-02-11 02:48:58 UTC  

it explains the Holodomor

2019-02-11 02:49:03 UTC  

"Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, set in motion events designed to cause a famine in the Ukraine to destroy the people there seeking independence from his rule. As a result, an estimated 7,000,000 persons perished in this farming area, known as the breadbasket of Europe, with the people deprived of the food they had grown with their own hands."

2019-02-11 02:49:03 UTC  

What is even being debated here

2019-02-11 02:49:17 UTC  

@Kelz besides that your sentence is a fragment that means nothing. I said the opposite

2019-02-11 02:49:21 UTC  

>6 million == intentional
>100 million == bad planning

Give me a fucking break.

2019-02-11 02:49:57 UTC  

You think after you find out the first few million died you would do something.

2019-02-11 02:49:59 UTC  

Idk, seems obvious that communism is bad and leads to dead ppl.

2019-02-11 02:50:06 UTC  

i think it was bad planning

2019-02-11 02:50:08 UTC  

What are we arguing about?

2019-02-11 02:50:10 UTC  

@Misomania So was the soviet union true communism or not?

2019-02-11 02:50:15 UTC  

who cares

2019-02-11 02:50:19 UTC  

true communism?

2019-02-11 02:50:20 UTC  

it killed millions

2019-02-11 02:50:22 UTC  

wtf does that even mean

2019-02-11 02:50:28 UTC  

true communism kills everyone

2019-02-11 02:50:40 UTC  

So, no, not true communism, some ppl survived.

2019-02-11 02:50:48 UTC  

true communism is fictional

2019-02-11 02:50:52 UTC  

like 90% communism

2019-02-11 02:50:54 UTC  

@Kelz true communism means taking everything from everyone who isn't part of the priviledged class and doling them out as you deem fit. He enforced control via control of both means of production and means of distribution in order to make sure people swore loyalty to the state party

2019-02-11 02:50:59 UTC  

yeah true communism only exists on a piece of paper

2019-02-11 02:51:05 UTC  

because it can't exist

2019-02-11 02:51:07 UTC  

Paradox, are you sure they're being killed and not just being sent back to God?

2019-02-11 02:51:18 UTC  

communism is rad yo

2019-02-11 02:51:34 UTC  

@Kelz in otherwords, he created a famine to control the population via starvation

2019-02-11 02:51:51 UTC  

want to eat? better prove your loyalty