Message from @gbol
Discord ID: 301207010228305921
What's the archive for /pol/
>Tfw got the 7' big dick and 6' around dick
Dicksize doesnt matter if youll never have to use it :^)
good 4chan/pol archive
>actually a bad thing
Connor add me
>too big for most grils
>extra large fire bird
>circumcised too so if I fucked them enough to cum inside it'd tear up their shit
Yeah but the ones that come up littered with ads
And pop ups
tfw when u feel the need to talk about ur dick size in a kekistan discord...
What's your name on there
Including you
@NiggerLyncher involve my art on your next video dad
Okay I need to be sleeping mow
insult connor more seramatic
It's passed moy bed toym
<@282043661959561216> had an Asian QT gf.
Connor is a negro
It was good.
<@282043661959561216> *Drops anoda shekel*
Connor, is there literally anything that you know about right wing shit?
Or are you just completely clueless and also a shill?
Because at first I thought you were a knowledgable shill
<@282043661959561216> *prepare the helicopter, @NiggerLyncher*
oh shit calling you out connor
Hol up hol up
This is why duels should be legal
Connor easiest thing in the world
My boy Connor has claim the petty round earthers