Message from @DeadPresident
Discord ID: 301206827842928640
8 inch from bottom of palm to tip of middle finger
and you know what they say about large hands
It's really hard to play ps1
Some retard in my school thought that a persons dick was the same length of your palm to the tip of your middle finger
Where my smol hands fags here?
He measured himself, and in reality he found out he was 4 inches
guys I have tiny hands
>tfw my dick is smaller than that
they are masterful hands tho
>by an entire inch
>hands and johnson equal to each other
What's the archive for /pol/
>Tfw got the 7' big dick and 6' around dick
good 4chan/pol archive
>actually a bad thing
Connor add me
>too big for most grils
>extra large fire bird
>circumcised too so if I fucked them enough to cum inside it'd tear up their shit
Yeah but the ones that come up littered with ads
And pop ups
tfw when u feel the need to talk about ur dick size in a kekistan discord...
What's your name on there
Where else would you talk about your dicksize
Including you
@NiggerLyncher involve my art on your next video dad