Message from @Mr. Cate
Discord ID: 301206942192238592
guys I have tiny hands
>tfw my dick is smaller than that
they are masterful hands tho
>by an entire inch
>hands and johnson equal to each other
What's the archive for /pol/
>Tfw got the 7' big dick and 6' around dick
Dicksize doesnt matter if youll never have to use it :^)
good 4chan/pol archive
>actually a bad thing
Connor add me
>too big for most grils
>extra large fire bird
>circumcised too so if I fucked them enough to cum inside it'd tear up their shit
Yeah but the ones that come up littered with ads
tfw when u feel the need to talk about ur dick size in a kekistan discord...
What's your name on there
Where else would you talk about your dicksize
Including you
@NiggerLyncher involve my art on your next video dad
Okay I need to be sleeping mow
insult connor more seramatic
It's passed moy bed toym
<@282043661959561216> had an Asian QT gf.
Connor is a negro
It was good.
<@282043661959561216> *Drops anoda shekel*
Connor, is there literally anything that you know about right wing shit?
Or are you just completely clueless and also a shill?
Because at first I thought you were a knowledgable shill
<@282043661959561216> *prepare the helicopter, @NiggerLyncher*