Message from @R9b1t
Discord ID: 545388741825396746
how dare you suggest black people had slaves!
no one did tho
oh nvm except that racist
why not get reparations from their enemy tribes in africa that sold them into slavery in the first place
wasnt the first slave owner in the US black?
That meme has everything
anthony something
Including felix and astolfo
how dare you suggest it was black people selling other black people!
If I have to do that... stand in front of a grill. I will be wearing that damn speedo and swimming hat.
Also weren't my people enslaved for like half a millennium in total?
Also thanos
Irish were enslaved by Muslims.
Shall we demand reparations from Muslims?
anthony johnson
@portugal get ready bitch
shouldn't the jews get repriations first from the egyptians?
first slave owner in america
The myans deserve reparations too.
in virginia
he had 5 indentured servants before there was such a thing as slaves... 3 were white
"Yes Taekwahn?"
"Get me my cane."
"Rightly so, master."
How dare you suggest white slavery is the same as black slavery!
Democrats are gaslighting people about the reason Mueller's probe was created in the first place...
white slavery was good n bad...(when I say good I mean relatively speaking)
uh, cuz orange man bad and muh feelz
It was about Trump supposedly colluding with Russia. Democrats are now trying to say it was mostly trying to find criminal individuals within Trump's campaign.
you would rather be a slave to vikings than muslim barbory pirates
I wonder if the Democrats realize that is one of the attributes of an abusive partner? Gaslighting and making you question your sanity.
Okay so what's his face is an example of an African who most likely moved North
Democrats fit the mental abuser profile so fucking well.
Got settled and did an indentured thing
affirmative action = new age racism and will be looked back upon historically as such
Sent himself here and became prominent to the extent he could afford to have servants
Democrats = Party of Mental Abusers.