Message from @RekItRalph

Discord ID: 546613500089335820

2019-02-17 07:59:22 UTC  

Was a felon, still passed the background check to purchase the firearm

2019-02-17 08:00:04 UTC  

Got caught when he tried to get a carry license, then he got a, turn in your guns, when they found out

2019-02-17 08:00:19 UTC  

i grew up middle class and the closest my family was to homeless was the period when we lived at my grandparents' house

2019-02-17 08:00:36 UTC  

i think it was a transition between homes

2019-02-17 08:00:53 UTC  

@lelula Jordan Peterson has talked about this. The hierarchies we have in this country rewards competence. But as hierarchies continue they tend to grow steeper such that wealth is concentrated in fewer people at the top and a large number of people stack up at the bottom. Eventually, you get so many people at the bottom that there is no opportunity for them to rise within the hierarchy. Think about that urban kid that got a crappy education that didn't prepare him even to work at McDonalds. Then add that there are no jobs even at McDonalds because there are too many people more qualified than him. He's stuck at Zero. He can't even participate in the game of getting a job and rising with his abilities. We need to do something about that. The RICH need to be concerned with this. Because when too many people are at Zero that is when the system collapses. There needs to be a concerted effort by the private sector to go into these urban areas and build businesses and factories to create jobs to give people a chance to get on the ladder. Right now those entry level manufacturing jobs are all being shipped overseas. It's not good.

2019-02-17 08:03:12 UTC  

There is a roll for gov't too. They need to make it attractive for businesses to invest in cities and they need to FIX THE DAMN EDUCATION system by whatever means necessary even if it means privatization since spending 12 years in school and not being able to read the instructions on a fryer or other piece of machinery is unacceptable.

2019-02-17 08:21:31 UTC

2019-02-17 08:21:33 UTC  

fixing what in their eyes works best for them aka not broken

2019-02-17 08:21:35 UTC

2019-02-17 08:21:36 UTC  

you must be naive

2019-02-17 08:22:14 UTC

It's not socialist it's nordic model

2019-02-17 08:28:13 UTC  

@CasualSailor I agree with you (and JP) but there isn't much insentive for businesses to go into those inner city areas and build jobs if theyare being burned down by protesters, robbed, or denied entry because someone new big shot in congress doesn't know how math works. Ecomics have so many parts, and even the experts don't know exactly what causes everything everywhere, but one thing is for sure.... if people won't fight for their own well being then others won't either .

2019-02-17 08:29:55 UTC  

Tariq Nasheed is coming out against Smollet

2019-02-17 08:30:23 UTC  

which is weird

2019-02-17 08:35:21 UTC  

like he's arguing that the Smollet hoax was a deliberate attempt by LGBT people to advance themselves at the expense of black people?

2019-02-17 08:38:07 UTC  

Nasheed has the worst takes, consistently

2019-02-17 08:38:26 UTC  

I remember his take on the xbox live shooter

2019-02-17 08:38:47 UTC  

or whoever it was that shot up a madden tournament

2019-02-17 08:46:54 UTC  

Then let’s just adopt nordic policies

2019-02-17 09:01:45 UTC  


2019-02-17 09:04:13 UTC  

why not just move to scandinavia then

2019-02-17 09:05:59 UTC  

You can‘t just implement policies of one country in another one with a completely different economic and societal reality.

2019-02-17 09:06:16 UTC  

The results would be bad.

2019-02-17 09:09:39 UTC  

Worse than Sweden?

2019-02-17 09:12:13 UTC  

I can't wait for the socialistic healthcare programs around the world to collapse in 10 years.

2019-02-17 09:20:42 UTC  

I don't want to wait 10 years.

2019-02-17 09:20:50 UTC  

I'm going to move to Venezuela.

2019-02-17 09:23:00 UTC  

can we make jussie smollet a new idiom

2019-02-17 09:28:22 UTC  

Those plaques above the seats in the waiting room are a testament of the system working

2019-02-17 09:28:43 UTC  

Kinda reminds those killscores on the side of the tanks

2019-02-17 09:32:56 UTC  

But Onii-chan, I love you!

2019-02-17 09:35:32 UTC

2019-02-17 11:08:47 UTC  

Damn. I can't find any

2019-02-17 11:09:53 UTC  

I need to go to one of the german hospitals and take a photo of those plates above the seats in the waiting room with names of deceased people that perished while waiting for a doctor

2019-02-17 11:10:42 UTC  

I am not sure if I'd consider that a good PR, to be honest. But you do you, german hospitals.

2019-02-17 11:11:13 UTC  

never seen that . . .

2019-02-17 11:11:34 UTC  

I did in a hospital near Mannheim

2019-02-17 11:12:41 UTC  

There are also these blocks in the pavement in every german city which basically tell you how many jews were murdered from which house in WW2

2019-02-17 11:13:05 UTC  
