Message from @RatKing
Discord ID: 508060463066513447
that log is funny
Got kicked for it
Cus tex is soy
Tex isn't soy anymore
Oh nvm
ohh its back huh
Told ya
gz then
lol silly rat
I think he should keep it tbh, cause he doesn't want soy, and is worth about a thousand whiteys
Goddamn, Social Identity Theory I'd totally forgotten all this stuff
The smartie experiement
way what ?
Tajfel demonstrated in-group out-group bias using smarties
No just kicked alot
Nvm, your role disappeared
Cause kick
I wish we could see mod log
search for ratking. would be fun
@coattailsandbowties my point is not with the conclusion of milgrams experiments but with methodology, if there is a credible reason to discount an experiment based of result tampering then it should be retracted regardless of whether it was ultimately correct or not, it is bad science to not do this.
i actually agree with the results of the milgram experiment because of the supporting studies. Hell you can even see it in modern politics where people will hold beliefs and perform actions against their better judgement based off social repercussions never mind the fear of repercussion from an authoritarian regime. But this is also not my point.
Saying this phenomenon can be extrapolated to the point where it can lead people to be perfectly fine with machine gunning children is a tremendous leap. We obviously can't make a realistic experiment where this could be discovered, perhaps in the distant future when we are capable of VR that is indistinguishable from reality, but until that time it is bad science to claim it can.
Could you not torch
mm microdosing
hmm, then again even then it would be a stretch to even allow the experiment.
Scrub is a jewtuber now