Message from @That one muppet slut w/ a guitar
Discord ID: 508131498382065666
he spent like 15 minutes typing that
makes me thing it isnt just copy paste dogshit
Man I love getting Dr. Pepper that tastes like water
Sugar is more addictive than heroin
Not that I'd take heroin. I stop at molly
Glad you draw a line somewhere, unlike some people with no self control
I have to have self control, an addictive personality needs to know hard limits
Sugars are addictive because you need them to respire lol
can’t argue with that
calm down, bogwhandi
k pop allstar
Shit taste in figurines.
Except rin
Only good one
that scene makes me soooo sad
i had a tear in my eye
sucking venom out of a wound doesn't even work
it actually might make things worse
it does help
No doxx pls
@Dandy Zerg faggot