Message from @American Walnut
Discord ID: 508130282042294301
Black people in Australia are the most racist people I've ever met you think we was kangz was bad they actually get payed by the government cause they was genocided and shiet
In reality they were raping there children and child safety got involved
Took there alcohol too
Still alcohol free zones for them
What does one do when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?
When the christian raised eagle scout who will not waiver on his values finds himself crushed by the world around him...
When the hill you are willing to die on is losing ground to the rising tide of ... i cannot articulate it... "the nothing"
Do I die in peace with my values in tact?
Liberty or death
@MotoChimpo what is that autist dribbling
Nice paragraph, faggot
he spent like 15 minutes typing that
makes me thing it isnt just copy paste dogshit
Man I love getting Dr. Pepper that tastes like water
Sugar is more addictive than heroin
Not that I'd take heroin. I stop at molly
I have to have self control, an addictive personality needs to know hard limits
Sugars are addictive because you need them to respire lol
can’t argue with that
calm down, bogwhandi
k pop allstar
asian sam hyde?
Shit taste in figurines.
Except rin
Only good one
that scene makes me soooo sad
i had a tear in my eye
sucking venom out of a wound doesn't even work