Message from @Potato Man
Discord ID: 508291935883231242
That's good though
Even got to do my cooking thot pics with sloppy Joe's last night 😂
Sloppy indeed
I literally can't cook. Literally.
Like Riley Rieds blowjobs.
Be a shame of someone had to look that up in no nut November
@Octavia well if you want you can send me a photo 😂
And I'm making gumbo today
Needed bacon fat so I made an American stack of bacon and gave it to a neighbor 😂
@Potato Man of the food or me 😂
@Octavia either or both! 😂
*m a n t h o t*
***i r o n y***
I don't know *what* you're talking about.
***r e t a r d a t i o n***
***R U D E***
come to my house an we'll sort this out
I think my wallet might have something to say about that.
So is your mother
nah she's in another country 😂
She says hi
I'm not flying to *norwich*
you have to help me escape
they all have so many thumbs
***n o r w i c h***
i chose khajiit in oblivion because they're the race that looks most human.
***n o r f o l k***
the rest are literally just potatos
***i n b r e d***
Wouldn't try and actually complete no nut november
It doesn't help you
people thought i was a furry when i joined this server