Message from @andai
Discord ID: 509066047312101397
What you studying
Problems of living in NA
Yeah it's free
You probably only said that because you realize you’d be kicked if you told the truth
Well throw me a dm if you wanna play. myself and two others are learning watching a video guide right now
ill join then
@Deleted User hah
so if you wanna play and learn may as well do it now 😃
+kick @Sadistic Potato "probably underage"
Anyone else coming to join, last call, even if you're new Don't mind. We're watching a video guide now 😃
I like how WW2 became a competition to see who’s tank could break the other guys tank harder
Yes that is indeed the main concept of tank on tank warfare.
Late ww2= Soviet German heavy tank dick measuring contest
breasts or 7.5cm KwK 42
not enough ww2 memes
I prefer the KwK 42 over tits
The great war tanks were more impressive
I mean when you start building tanks to kill other tanks first and foremost over any other task I think that’s when it starts to get a bit pointless
Only if we had the 7.5 cm L 100 gun that thing was as long as the fucking panther alone
KwK 42 was underrated
A tiger could take out a T-34 with ease and shrug of shells but I mean it was slow and clunky as hell
It was also unreliable and not numerous enough to make a difference.
*laughs in 8.8 cm*
Dat drive train dough
PZ IV > panther, tiger
Sherman best tank
For 1917 probably very
Sherman is the best overall tank
Sherman FireFly.
sherman best overal tank of war
firefly is only good if it has 3 other cromwells/comets/shermans with it